Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Conservative Challenger Launches “Faith” Statewide Radio Spot

Conservative JD Hayworth Launches First Radio Ad: “Faith”
Ad Highlights Personal, Worshipful Side of Hayworth Many Don’t Know
PHOENIX, AZ. March 9, 2010. JD Hayworth, who is mounting a conservative challenge to Senator John McCain, is known for being a lot of things.  Fiscally-conscious Congressman.  A man who never forgets a name.  A broadcaster.
What many people don’t know is that JD also has a rock-solid belief in God, and the power of prayer.
A new radio ad debuting today across Arizona aims to change that by relaying the story of how Hayworth met his wife, Mary, in church, almost lost a child at birth and has counted on prayer to get him through the tough - and the joyful - times in life.
“After almost losing a daughter early in pregnancy and a son in childbirth, JD and Mary were sustained by prayer,” the commercial says.
The ad also points out that Hayworth’s faith compels him to support traditional marriage and the right to life of the unborn.
The commercial also tells listeners that, “…JD will always defend our right to honor God in the public square, public schools and public life.”
To hear the commercial or to donate to the Hayworth campaign, please visit www.JDforSenate.com.
 Paid for by JD Hayworth 2010

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