Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Goldwater Institute: Arizona Lags Behind 'Google Government' Trend

Goldwater Institute calls for transparency of state financial transactions

Remember $800 toilet seats? Imagine if you could Google down to the penny how your tax dollars are being spent. Today the Goldwater Institute released a new report calling for increased transparency in state budgeting by requiring government agencies to begin posting all financial transactions in an easily searchable online database.

"Technology exists to make government spending more transparent than ever. There is no excuse for leaving citizens in the dark about how government is spending our tax dollars," says Byron Schlomach, Ph.D, economist and author of Piercing the Fog: A Call for Greater Transparency in State and Local Government. "In these tough financial times more access to government spending records is critical to addressing our state's budget crisis."

Arizona makes state and local spending information available to the public in broad categories, but few details are readily available. Federal matching funds-about 45 percent of Arizona's state spending-are also a mystery since the money passes through executive agencies with little legislative oversight. Arizona also has a complex maze of debt reporting. As a result, it is difficult to know how much government actually costs taxpayers and exactly what taxpayers get for their money.

Dr. Schlomach suggests that Arizona's spending database should make as many details available as possible. The database should include information like the amount of individual payments made to businesses, what the payments were for, and to which program or budget categories the payments were assigned. Arizona does have an online database of state contracts, but contracts represent only a small fraction of state spending.

Much of this information for federal spending is already available online at, a concept originally supported by Senators Barack Obama and John McCain. "If two people as far apart as Obama and McCain can work together to make federal spending available online, policymakers from all perspectives in Arizona should be able to embrace the idea," continued Dr. Schlomach. Several states (Virginia, for example) and local governments throughout the country have also started posting their financial transactions online, but none of those efforts are in Arizona.

Government transparency is at the very heart of the principles supported by our founding fathers. Thomas Jefferson wrote, "We might hope to see the finances of the Union as clear and intelligible as a merchant's books, so that every member of Congress and every man of any mind in the Union should be able to comprehend them, to investigate abuses, and consequently to control them."

Piercing the Fog: A Call for Greater Transparency in State and Local Government is available online or by calling (602) 462-5000.

The Goldwater Institute is a research and litigation organization whose work is made possible by the generosity of its supporters. To support the Institute's work, please click here to make a tax-deductible contribution.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

CAP Voter Guides are out

CAP asked legislative candidates 10 questions. It's a 16-page booklet with their responses.

2) Do You Appreciate this Non-Partisan Voter's Guide?
3) What Are You Waiting For?


I am pleased to announce that CAP's non-partisan Voter's Guide is now available at Our nonpartisan 2008 Voter's Guide will help you find the candidates whose values most clearly mirror your own for the upcoming September 2nd Primary Election.

We often are asked if the guide is Democrat or Republican? It's neither! It is factual, impartial, and nonpartisan! Every candidate in the covered races was treated equally and had the same opportunity to respond to the questions on a wide range of issues.

In order to maximize the impact of each dollar we spend on behalf of Arizona's families, we have printed very limited quantities of the 16-page paper Voter's Guide. Instead of printing thousands of the 16-page guides, we have put the guide online and printed half-sheet fliers that can be used to direct Arizonans to

One of the great features of the online guide is that it allows you to narrow the list of candidates to specifically the ones that will appear on your ballot in the upcoming election. If you prefer, you can also view and print the entire 16-page guide from the site. The web site will be updated daily, adding late- arriving candidate answers, and includes some races that are not in the print version of the guide.

While we are excited about these changes, we recognize that not everyone has access to or is comfortable with the Internet. Single copies of the guide can be obtained at no charge. For churches wanting resources to distribute to their congregations, the 16-page guide, the half-sheet flier, and posters can be printed in both English and Spanish. If printing is not a realistic option, churches can order English resources at no charge (as long as our supplies last). We do not have printed resources in Spanish. Please complete the form to order your printed resources.

2) Do You Appreciate this Non-Partisan Voter's Guide?

Would you like to see The Center for Arizona Policy continue to provide you with this and other pro-family resources? If so, then please consider a generous tax-deductible gift. You can give online using our secure online form, by phone at (602) 424-2525, or mail your donation to The Center for Arizona Policy, 7227 N 16th Street, Suite 250, Phoenix, AZ 85020. Our work is made possible by the generosity of thousands of individual Arizona citizens just like you. Thank you!

3) What Are You Waiting For?

While we hope that the 2008 Voter's Guide is a helpful resource for you, it won't do you any good if you are not registered to vote! There's still time - the deadline to register to vote in the September primary is August 4th. Visit our Voter Information Center for resources to register yourself and others.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Goldwater Institute files amicus brief to uphold description of TIME transportation tax initiative

The petitioner proponents of the TIME initiative understandably would like the publicity pamphlet description to emphasize the features of the measure that might prove most popular to voters while minimizing features that may be objectionable, such as substantial tax increases.

Petitioners object to references regarding the percentage increases in the respective taxes. They note correctly that the measure would add one percent to the existing taxes, but they also concede that such a change would amount to 17.8 and 40 percent increases in the respective taxes. The Legislative Council’s analysis includes both facts, while petitioners’ preferred version includes only one.

Read the entire brief

It's too soon to entrust ADOT with $42.6 billion

Excellent article by Maricopa County GOP chair Tom Husband in the Republic on the TIME ballot initiative which would raise spending by 16% for public transportation, light rail, and other transportation costs. Some excerpts -

A gaggle of special interests calling itself the TIME Coalition is touting a $42.6 billion tax increase to fund an undefined transportation program. To hear them tell it, the future of the state is dependent upon this expenditure of our money. However, this is a very questionable proposition.

There doesn't seem to be any evidence that ADOT has ever prepared any of the legally required performance measures in the six years since the law passed.

Despite having a legal obligation to provide a sound foundation for transportation plans, ADOT hasn't answered any of these questions. Instead, its director is touting a so-called "Statewide Transportation Investment Strategy" that is nothing more than a "wish-list" concocted by political insiders. It is the flimsiest basis for a transportation proposition ever placed before Arizona's voters.

Read more

John Fund on the AZ Civil Rights Initiative

Great article in the WSJ by John Fund on the attacks on the Civil Rights initiative.
Some excerpts -

"The key to defeating the initiative is to keep it off the ballot in the first place," says Donna Stern, Midwest director for the Detroit-based By Any Means Necessary (BAMN). "That's the only way we're going to win." Her group's name certainly describes the tactics that are being used to thwart Mr. Connerly.

Aggressive legal challenges have bordered on the absurd, going so far as to claim that a blank line on one petition was a "duplicate" of another blank line on another petition and thus evidence of fraud. In Missouri, Secretary of State Robin Carnahan completely rewrote the initiative's ballot summary to portray it in a negative light. By the time courts ruled she had overstepped her authority, there wasn't enough time to collect sufficient signatures.

Those who did circulate petitions faced bizarre obstacles. In Kansas City, a petitioner was arrested for collecting signatures outside of a public library. Officials finally allowed petitioners a table inside the library but forbade them to talk. In Nebraska, a group in favor of racial preferences ran a radio ad that warned that those who signed the "deceptive" petition "could be at risk for identity theft, robbery, and much worse."

BAMN proudly posts videos on its success in scaring away voters, or convincing circulators to hand over their petitions to its shock troops. "If you give me your signatures, we'll leave you alone," says a BAMN volunteer on one tape to someone who's earning money by circulating several different petitions.

Read more

PAChyderm Corp. Comm. candidates need $5 contributions

From the PAChyderm Coalition -

The candidates we have endorsed for Corporation Commission need help getting all of their Clean Elections $5 contributions. Please help Rick Fowlkes, Joe Hobbs, and Keith Swapp finish getting their contributions to qualify for funding.

The forms can be downloaded from this web site:

Their home page is at

If you have not contributed, please do so immediately. Also, have every person you know who is registered to vote in Arizona download the forms and send in contributions too. The address to send the $5 contributions is on the forms.

CAP: 1000 churches wanted to register voters

In this issue:

1) Wanted: 1000 Churches
2) Video from D.C. on Abortion
3) Start a FALL Truth Project Group
4) Conference Call for Pastors

1) Wanted: 1000 Churches

We are well on the way to our goal of 1000 churches hosting voter registration drives. Check out the growing list of churches on our web site. Is your church on the list yet? Have you done a voter registration drive?

It's easy to register voters. Check out our Voter Information Center online, and don't hesitate to call us for assistance with planning a drive. CAP is here to help!

2) Video from D.C. on Abortion

Despite the fact that Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of spending taxpayer dollars to fund abortions, abortion organizations receive hundreds of millions of dollars every year through state and federal grants. Now, you can watch video of the U.S. House of Representatives from earlier this month, as members questioned why taxpayer dollars are funding abortions and why there is a huge disparity between funding for abortion clinics versus crisis pregnancy centers.

And, don't miss the comments from Arizona Congressman Trent Franks and other panelists at a forum discussing the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act ("CIANA"). The CIANA would require that one parent of a pregnant minor be notified before an abortion is performed on his or her daughter when the young girl has been taken across state lines for the abortion.

3) Start a FALL Truth Project Group

Are you a Truth Project Leader? Consider hosting a group this fall and listing it at CAP's web site! If you are interested in either hosting or joining a group this fall, visit Keep checking back; we expect many groups to launch this fall!

Also, Saturday, August 9, CAP is heading to Yuma to host a Truth Project Partner Training Event at Calvary Temple of Christ. Partner Training events are designed for those who are already committed to leading The Truth Project as a small group. The agenda focuses on training and vision components, your role as a leader, the expectations of your small group, and a sampling of the curriculum via DVD.

Anyone wishing to go deeper with the Lord and be transformed will be incredibly blessed by this high quality, comprehensive study! Register online today. Print and distribute this flier to friends.

4) Conference Call for Pastors

On November 4, Arizona, California, and Florida will be voting on the definition of marriage. Sensing the need for spiritual unity and solidarity on this issue, a group of California pastors have invited Arizona and Florida pastors to join in the effort to protect marriage.

Arizona pastors are invited to join over 1600 California and Florida pastors on a conference call Wednesday, July 30, 10:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.

Online registration is required at Click "Arizona Sites" to look for a location near you. If none are listed, please consider becoming a host site. If you can be a host site, please contact Chris Clark ASAP at or 619-415-5453.

Please let your pastor know about this important call. Together we can stand for marriage in our states.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

State Legislators endorse Trent Humphries in Southern Arizona's District 26

Two members of Arizona’s House of Representatives have recently endorsed Trent Humphries, Republican legislative candidate from District 26.

In a tremendous show of support, State Representative Bob Stump said, "Trent is a principled, proven leader in Southern Arizona who brings people together to help solve our most pressing problems. His common sense, civility, and knowledge of the issues will serve him well at the Capitol. I believe Trent will make an outstanding State Representative and I am honored to endorse him."

Fellow House member Kirk Adams added this encouraging endorsement: "Trent is a roll-up-the sleeves kind of leader, taking on big issues and finding real solutions. He will be a strong voice for
Southern Arizona. I wholeheartedly endorse his candidacy."

Trent Humphries expressed his appreciation for the positive work both legislators have performed in office and their words of support: “I am grateful for the endorsements of both Kirk and Bob. They are incredibly hard- working, motivated public servants with a proven record of serving Arizona.”

Humphries, who officially launched his campaign in March by picking up trash along a busy section of road, has remained active in solving community problems hosting bi-partisan forums to address safety and health care concerns in Southern Arizona.

For more information about Trent Humphries and his campaign for Southern Arizona please call Kevin Herring at 520-465-8594 or

Friday, July 25, 2008

Arizona's Slamming Door on Illegal Immigrants

Interesting story in the Los Angeles Times on how Arizona is in the forefront of stopping illegal immigration at the local level.
Arizona has become a laboratory for whether a state can single-handedly combat illegal immigration. In recent years it has barred illegal immigrants from receiving government services, from winning punitive damages in lawsuits and from posting bail for serious crimes. A new state law shuts down businesses that hire illegal workers. And the sheriff of Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix and three-fifths of the state’s population, dispatches his deputies and volunteer “posses” to search for illegal street vendors or immigrants being smuggled through the county.

The campaign has had an effect: Illegal immigrants complain it’s impossible to find good work and are leaving the state....businesses that cater to immigrants both legal and illegal report a huge drop in sales....enough immigrants have left that the government of Sonora, the Mexican state bordering Arizona, has complained about how many people have arrived on its doorstep.

Rep. Pearce says the overall effect has been undeniably positive for Arizona. “Smaller class sizes, shorter emergency room waits,” he said. “Even if [illegal immigrants] are paying taxes – and most of them aren’t – the cost to taxpayers is huge.”
Read more

Thursday, July 24, 2008

PAChyderm Coalition to present top six legislators with awards

The Senators being honored are (1) Bob Burns, LD9; (2) Ron Gould, LD3, and Thayer Verschoor, LD22. The Representatives being honored are (1) Russell Pearce, LD18; (2) Nancy Barto, LD7; and (3) Rick Murphy, LD9. The awards will be formally presented at a Pachyderm Coalition event later in the year.
Read more

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Maricopa County deporting record number of illegal immigrants

Vinnie Picard with ICE said almost 39,000 illegal immigrants have been deported from Arizona since last October, up more than 5,000 from the same timeframe last year. That number is expected to top 50,000 by this coming October, when ICE ends its fiscal year.

A lot of credit goes to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, Picard said.

Read more

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Thomas’s record will win out over smears

An op-ed in the East Valley Tribune from Thomas's Special Assistant Barnett Lotstein, in response to some recent guest columns bashing Thomas.
Andrew Thomas’ opponents face a daunting task. How do they convince Maricopa County voters to throw out of office a popular prosecutor who has set the standard nationally for tough policies on crime and illegal immigration? They’ve already pulled out one of their last trump cards: using their connections in the media to try to smear him...
No prosecutor in America can claim the record of success and innovation Thomas has established over the past four years. Among his many achievements, he’s instituted arguably the toughest prosecution policies in the nation for violent criminals and sex offenders. His crackdown on repeat offenders has single-handedly sent thousands of additional career criminals to prison. Thomas enforced this policy even over the strong objections of Napolitano, who didn’t want to pay the extra prison costs. After all these reforms, his office still enjoys a 93 percent conviction rate.
....He essentially bases his entire article on the claim that Thomas should disclose something to the voters: that he owes Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio a “pretty significant political debt” because Arpaio endorsed him for county attorney in 2004. Oops. Arpaio endorsed nobody for Maricopa County attorney in 2004.
Will the Tribune do its readers a favor and reassign this partisan hack’s column to somebody who can at least get his facts straight and comply with journalistic ethics?

Read more

Local bloggers get together - July 26th

From Vox -

We are once again getting a few of the Arizona bloggers together for food and drinks - this time at Four Peaks in Tempe, Saturday the 26th at 3:00.

More info is here:

Hope to see you there, drop a note in the comments if you can make it.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Duel in the Desert ends in a draw

Sheriff Arpaio with guest Lorie

Last night's "Duel in the Desert" between Sheriff Joe Arpaio and County Attorney Andrew Thomas ended in a draw. They both shot the wrong person! Using paintball guns, Thomas shot one of Arpaio's deputies, and Arpaio shot one of Thomas's deputies. The deputies didn't look too pleased, one of them took off his paint-stained shirt and walked around the rest of the evening shirtless.

There were probably at least a couple of hundred guests at the Maricopa County GOP event. Several items were auctioned off, including pink underwear (which went for $400), cowboy hats and handkerchiefs autographed by the guys. Sheriff Arpaio wore a string tie, even though he was warned that Pinnacle Peak Patio would cut it off and hang it from the ceiling like it has done with hundreds of other ties. Arpaio's response, "just let them try."

Read the New Times coverage of the event, which includes a video of the draw.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Good article in Sonoran News on Stop Illegal Hiring ballot initiative

The Stop Illegal Hiring ballot initiative would water down the state's existing employer sanctions law, the Legal Arizona Workers Act. An article in the Sonoran News lists some of the big businesses that are funding this initiative. They include Southern Arizona Home Builders Association, Arizona McDonalds Operators Association, Pepsi-Cola of Tucson, Pasquinelli Produce and Western Growers. More from the article -
The key change the initiative’s backers are furtively seeking though, innocuously buried on page seven, is to undermine the Legal Arizona Workers Act by returning E-Verify to a voluntary program and permitting employers to resume the former “wink and nod” method of employment eligibility verification.

Proponents wish to return to the same verification system that has proven to be rife with fraud and identity theft for over 20 years.

Arresting illegal immigrants for conspiracy to smuggle themselves ok'd

One day after Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas announced his office's 750th successful prosecution under the 3-year-old human-smuggling law, the Arizona Court of Appeals upheld his interpretation of the law.

Thomas called the unanimous three-judge decision "intellectually courageous" and said that it would "no doubt upset many political and media elites" who disagree with his immigration policies.
Read more

Interestingly enough, even liberal Democrat Tim Nelson, who, by the way, worked for the ACLU and is running against Thomas for County Attorney, agrees that this interpretation of the law is correct.

750th Defendant Prosecuted Under Human Smuggling Statute

The expert team of prosecutors in the Special Crimes Bureau within the county attorney’s office completed its 750th successful prosecution under Arizona’s human smuggling statute, County Attorney Andrew Thomas announced today. Nestor Santiago-Maria, 22 (DOB 11/8/85), was sentenced to jail time and probation on Monday July 14, 2008 in the courtroom of Commissioner Phemonia Miller. Thedefendant was arrested on March 25, 2008 by deputies from the Sheriff’s Office.

The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office has played a critical role in this statistic because it is making arrests for the charge of Conspiracy to Commit Human Smuggling, a class 4 felony. The first-of-its-kind law in the country, the statute holds human cargo accountable for their part in illegally entering into the United States, a transaction initiated by their contracting with “coyotes” to assist them.

On March 25, 2008 at approximately 11:45pm Sheriff’s Deputies contacted the defendant during a traffic stop at milepost 127 on Hwy 60 in Maricopa County. The defendant was a passenger in an SUV containing 10 occupants. All passengers (including the defendant) admitted to being foreign citizens illegally present in the United States.

The defendant stated he made an agreement with an unknown human smuggler in Mexico. The defendant stated he agreed to pay $1200 to be illegally smuggled into the United States and transported on to his final destination of Sacramento, California. The defendant said the smuggler abandoned them in the desert and they met up with another group of illegal aliens. They were taken to a drop house in Phoenix. The defendant then made a new agreement with the driver of the SUV to be taken to California for a fee of $900. The defendant believed transportation in the SUV was part of this agreement.

“These successful prosecutions of the human smuggling law represent victories in the overall fight to control illegal immigration in Maricopa County,” said Thomas. “I want thank Sheriff Arpaio for showing leadership on this front and I look forward to working side by side with him as this struggle continues.”

For more information contact:
Mike Anthony Scerbo, Public Information Officer
(602) 506-3170 (office) or (602) 489-6913 (cell)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Support Conservative Republicans!!!‏

Please make a contribution to the Pachyderm Coalition right away by going to the web site:

You can donate with a credit card or get instructions for sending us a check.

Your contributions are vital for helping us to get conservative Republicans elected. Many conservatives are being out spent because some business organizations that want illegal alien labor as well as special interests intent on benefiting from continual increases in government spending and preferential regulations are making huge contributions to candidates who will support THEIR interests rather than OURS.

To protect our freedom and the rule of law, we need to commit ourselves to helping elect candidates who will represent our interests. That's what the Pachyderm Coalition does! Any contribution you can make will be helpful. For example, a $100 contribution will pay for about 100 direct mail pieces or 1000 auto-dialer calls. This, especially when combined with contributions from like minded people, can tip the balance in some primaries. If you are willing to donate more, we will appreciate it. If you can afford less, we will certainly appreciate that too. Four $25 contributions are better than no $100 contributions - any amount you can contribute is appreciated.

Our overhead is extremely low. You can count on your money going to support our candidates rather than being eaten up by consulting fees or other overhead.

Please make your contribution TODAY and forward this link to your friends to give them the opportunity to contribute.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New website: Reform Arizona State Bar

To better inform the public about the misconduct and abuse of power occurring at the State Bar of Arizona related to the Maricopa County Attorney's Office, as well as the need for reforms of that institution, the County Attorney's Office has launched a web page devoted to updates and information on this matter.
Visit the website.

PAChyderm Coalition meeting tomorrow - Russell Pearce speaking

PAChyderm Coalition MO


Wednesday July 16, 2008

Please remember our new location:

We are back to our roots!

El Paso Bar-B-Que

4303 West Peoria Ave

(Southwest Corner of 43rd Ave & Peoria)

Dinner at 6:15 – Order off the Menu

Meeting begins at 7:00 PM

Guest Speaker

LD 18

Representative Russell Pearce

A Possible Guest Appearance by

Speaker of the House

Jim Weiers

Monday, July 14, 2008

J.D. Hayworth to Speak at 2008 Conservative Leadership Conference

July 8, 2008

J.D. Hayworth to Speak at 2008
Conservative Leadership Conference

The 2008 Conservative Leadership Conference (CLC) announced today that former Arizona Congressman J.D. Hayworth will be a speaker at the conference to be held in Las Vegas this September.

After six terms in the United States Congress, John David "J.D." Hayworth returned to his chosen profession of broadcasting, as the host of a radio talk show at KFYI in Phoenix, which airs Monday through Friday from 4-7 pm, local time. But his portfolio includes more than talk radio.

Citizens United has named J.D. as its first "Ronald Reagan Fellow," mindful of his role in leading the fight for border security and against illegal immigration, as well as his success in cutting taxes as the first Arizonan to serve on the powerful House Ways and Means Committee.

Hayworth also serves as President of The Great 48th Group, LLC. In demand as a public policy advocate, management consultant, and motivational speaker, J.D.’s appeal extends far beyond his political support among Republicans and Conservatives. He brings a thought provoking approach to problem solving and an offers an irreverent, entertaining presentation style from the speaker’s podium.

J.D. thinks that effectiveness will grow exponentially on the internet. He has redesigned, converting it from what was once a campaign website during his days in Congress.

CLC 2008 is being co-hosted by Citizen Outreach and Americans for Tax Reform and will be held at the Tuscany Suites Resort and Casino on September 18-21, 2008. For additional information or to register for the 2008 Conservative Leadership Conference, please visit

To register, go to

Goldwater Institute Conservatism Forum this Wednesday

Saturday, July 12, 2008

R.I.P. Tony Snow

Who was Tony Snow? His four profound contributions to conservatism.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sonoran News redesigns its website

The conservative local newspaper based in Cave Creek, Sonoran News, has redesigned its website, and it looks great. It's very easy to navigate and check out all of the features. Good job guys.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Local bloggers get together - July 26

Put on regularly by the Exurban guys and Vox, and expect to see Zonitics and Voice of Liberty Podcast in attendance.

Arizona Capitol Times launches second annual Leaders of the Year in Public Policy Awards Luncheon and Presentation

We're looking for public policy champions

Arizona Capitol Times will honor those who advance public policy through dedication, hard work and an unrelenting desire to keep moving the state forward. The second annual Leaders of the Year in Public Policy luncheon will be held Sept. 24 at the Wyndham hotel in downtown Phoenix. The keynote speaker at the event will be Jennifer Duffy, senior editor of the Cook Political Report.

"Leaders of the Year identifies and honors leadership and excellence in public policy without regard to political affiliation or partnership," said Ginger Lamb, vice president and publisher of the Arizona Capitol Times. "It was created to give the public an opportunity to nominate individuals for the award based on what transpired during the 2008 legislative session. We will salute those who have had a positive impact on the state and the people of Arizona."

But first, you, our readers, will be asked to nominate individuals and organizations for awards in the following categories: arts and humanities, business, economic development, education, environment, government, health care, legislative, public safety, social services, technology, transportation, volunteerism, lifetime achievement and unsung hero.

The nomination deadline is Aug. 1. A nomination form with further instructions is attached to this email.

Last year, a crowd of 400 attended the luncheon and more than 40 individuals and groups were nominated. The 2007 honorees were: Arts & Humanities, Senator Carolyn Allen, District 8; Business, Arizona Chamber of Commerce & Industry; Economic Development, Kevin McCarthy, President, AZ Tax Research Association; Education, Arizona Business & Education Coalition; Environmental, David P. Kimball, III, Shareholder, Gallagher & Kennedy; Government, Senator Bob Burns, District 9; Health Care, Hospice of the Valley; Legislative, Rebekah Friend, Executive Director/Secretary, Treasurer, Arizona AFL-CIO, Public Safety, Andrew Thomas, Maricopa County Attorney; Social Services, Gretchen Jacobs, Of Counsel, Greenberg Traurig, LLP; Technology, Government Information Technology Agency; Transportation, Gary Hayes, Executive Director, Pima Association of Governments; Volunteer, Martin L. Shultz, Vice President Public Affairs, Pinnacle West Capital Corporation; Lifetime Achievement, Chuck Shipley (posthumous)

Tickets for the event are $75 each or $750 for a table of ten.

For more information, call 602-258-7026.

Don't forget to submit your ballot arguments for initiatives by Friday

They cannot be more than 300 words and must be notarized. The Republic has a summary of the nine initiatives that will likely be on the ballot here. The official summaries can be found on the Secretary of State's website here. They include the AZ Civil Rights Initiative, the Stop Legal Hiring Act (it would weaken the existing employer sanctions law), the Freedom of Choice Healthcare Act, which would allow consumers more choice in healthcare, a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, Majority Rules, which would limit voters' ability to pass propositions that would increase spending unless a majority agrees, and a governor-backed new transportation tax that will go to light rail, not just roads.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New blog - East Valley Immigration

A new blog has popped up, Looks like a good source of intel, with a lot of insider baseball commentary from an enforcement perspective.

Don't forget to regularly visit the other local illegal immigration website,, run by the county attorney's office, which compiles daily links to the best news and opinion articles on illegal immigration. Looks like Protect AZ Border, run by Rep. John Kavanagh, is no more. He probably felt it had served its purpose since Arizona is now in the forefront of cracking down on illegal immigration.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Excellent editorial in the Tribune about BAMN's bogus lawsuit

In an article entitled "Group's lawsuit, attitude insulting to Arizonans," the East Valley Tribune slammed the FBI-labeled domestic terrorist group BAMN for filing a lawsuit against the AZ Civil Rights Initiative. The lawsuit claimed that tens of thousands of Arizonans didn't realize what they were signing. "BAMN has offered a grave insult to petition signers by claiming they couldn’t figure out what the proposed amendment would do and a judge needs to protect voters from themselves." The actual amendment was attached to the petitions. "The courts should quickly knock down this ridiculous lawsuit, with a bag of hammers if necessary."

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Couple of good pieces on the AZ Civil Rights Initiative

Liberty's Apothecary has an interesting perspective on how racial preferences would apply to the presidential race. Ward Connerly is interviewed with the Arizona Republic here. The print edition refers to him in the headline as a "conservative Republican," (the Republic is fond of labeling anyone on the right as far right, even if they're not, while conveniently omitting any equivalent labels of those on the left) while half the article discusses his outspokenness in favor of gay marriage. Noticeably, the online edition removed the word "conservative" from the title.

Rep. Kyrsten Sinema wrote an opposing viewpoint. Her article is full of incorrect assertions, let's just dissect one:
If the Connerly initiative becomes law in Arizona, our state will return to a "good old boys" network, where people are not offered jobs, projects and educational positions based on their knowledge and expertise but instead because of who they know.
The state can't return to a "good old boys" network because minorities and women now hold almost as many leadership positions as "white males." In some areas, they outnumber them. Our judiciary is a key example. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is Ruth MacGregor, and the Presiding Judge of the Maricopa County Superior Court is Barbara Rodriguez-Mundell. If we remove racial and gender preferences, the "network" will be run by people such as MacGregor and Mundell - somehow I doubt they are going to favor white males.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Don Goldwater Op-ed: Illegal Immigration measures won, despite defeat

Don Goldwater has a good article in the Republic today, discussing how his two illegal immigration measures failed to collect enough signatures to make the ballot (unlike the "Legal Arizona Workers Act," which was backed by business interests so it could afford paid signature gatherers, Goldwater's initiatives had to rely solely on volunteers). He points out how the initiatives served an important purpose; ensuring that the existing employer sanctions law passed and maintained its teeth.
In the beginning, our initiative - Legal Arizona Workers Act (LAW) - was the main factor that helped pass the Fair Employment Act. Had our initiative not been in place and going strong, the governor would not have signed the bill into law.

Later, our initiative was used as protection and leverage against dangerous bills designed to undermine and destroy the Fair Employment Act. Had our initiative not been in place and going strong, I believe, these bills would have passed and the Fair Employment Act would have been gutted and destroyed. Your hard work kept those bills in committee, never to see the light of day.

Border Security forum in Tucson - Sunday night

Brad Roach, (left) a former county prosecutor and now a candidate for Pima County attorney, and Trent Humphries, a Republican candidate for the Arizona Legislature from Dist. 26 (who we like), will speak. For more information, click here.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

BAMN lawsuit against the AZ Civil Rights Initiative

The groundless complaint filed by BAMN against the AZ Civil Rights initiative can be found here on their website. I suspect that their "plaintiffs" who were "fooled" into signing the initiative were planted (should google their names).

AZ Right to Life Life Times

Arizona Right to Life

Arizona Life Times
Internet Edition
July 2008

Dear Friend of Life,
As the July 4th weekend approaches we should take time to reflect the sacred truths that are inscribed in our Declaration of Independence:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
In This Issue
Training Advocates to Defend Life
Fr. Frank Pavone Visits AZRTL
Upcoming Culture of Life Concert
Legislative Update
Upcoming Events!
Training Advocates to Defend Life
Leadership Training SeminarOn June 28th Arizona Right to Life debuted its new pro-life leadership seminar to numerous state pro-life leaders and activists. Combined with our new documentary Abortion: Inside the Choice, the goal of our leadership seminar is to equip pro-lifers with the skills and tools they need to create a Culture of Life in their own communities. From tips to talking about the controversial issue of abortion, to practical ideas for church and school groups, this six-hour seminar covers all the crucial issues of the pro-life fight. One attendee said in response, "I enjoyed learning to get to the bottom line of the issue and keeping the focus on 'What is abortion?' I also really appreciated getting answers to those difficult questions that pro-choicers ask." Another attendee said, "It gave me greater insights on how to speak gently and love all who are involved in abortion." The seminar's flexibility allows it to be hosted by either AZRTL trainers or local groups in segments of varying lengths. If you would like to host a seminar or a viewing of our documentary, please contact Education Director Melanie Pritchard at

Fr. Frank Pavone Visits AZRTL

Fr. Frank PavoneOn June 16th, Fr. Frank Pavone, the National Director of Priests for Life, visited the Arizona Right to Life office to share with us the national efforts to advance the pro-life cause. Fr. Pavone shared with us his meeting with presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain and his confidence in the Senator's ability to join in our mission and fulfill his promise of being "a faithful friend to the pro-life movement." This is in stark contrast to the Democratic presumptive nominee Barack Obama who has received 100% ratings from national pro-abortion organizations and even voted against protecting the lives of BORN BABIES in his career as an Illinois State Senator. Fr. Frank also shared with us the importance of registering voters and encouraging them to vote for candidates who demonstrate a profound respect for human life and have the moral integrity to not trade that respect for votes or political favors. To watch Fr. Frank's endorsement of Catholics in the Public Square, a guide for the faithful during this election season, click here.


Upcoming Culture of Life Concert This Month!

Eric GenuisYou won't want to miss this incredible evening of music, passion, life and hope! Eric Genuis, the world-renowned musical performer and talent extraordinaire, will be performing musical pieces from a mix of his four fabulous albums. Eric has recorded with the famed Maestro Allan Wilson of London and the Slovak National Symphony Orchestra. His concerts are a definite must-see and have proven to be a riveting experience for audiences of all ages.

When: Friday July 25th, 2008

Where: City of Grace Campus* - Worship Center
Building 5, 655 University Drive, Mesa, AZ 85203

Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm

General Admission: $20 pp
Students & Clergy: $10 pp
Families: $40
Special Discounted Group Rates Available - Contact Arizona Right to Life at 602-
285-0063 or email to reserve your seat.
*City of Grace is a non-smoking, non-alcoholic and no-weapons allowed facility
Legislative Update
Arizona State Flag
We would like to thank our friends at the Center for Arizona Policy and Arizona Catholic Conference for their hard work in advancing pro-life legislation and challenging the opposition in the State Legislature.

· The Arizona State Legislature passed a state ban on partial-birth abortions only to have the Governor veto the measure. In response, pro-life legislators reintroduced the bill and removed the so-called "offending language" that had prevented the governor from signing it. However, on June 27th the Governor again vetoed the partial-birth abortion ban.

· The Arizona State Legislature passed a bill to strengthen the state's parental consent law by requiring a notary to affirm a parent or guardian's signature allowing a minor to have an abortion. The Governor vetoed the legislation.

· The Arizona State Board of Nursing adopted a proposal from the advanced nurse practitioners committee allowing nurse practitioners to perform first trimester (through 14 weeks) abortions. A bill to prevent nurses from performing abortions was scheduled for a vote in the Senate but did not receive enough votes (due to the absence of pro-life legislators) and therefore could not be sent to the Governor.

· The Arizona State Legislature and Governor passed Jesse's Law, which was inspired by the real life case of Jesse Ramirez. Ramirez was denied food and water after an automobile accident and could have become another "Terri Schiavo" if not for the intervention of the Alliance Defense Fund. Jesse's Law was signed on June 24th and clarifies the circumstances when an incapacitated person can have food and fluids withdrawn.

In addition, bills to legalize assisted suicide and further the reach of abortion providers were defeated.
Thank you for taking the time to read our monthly e-newsletter. If you would like to partner with us to develop new projects and continue effective ones (pro-life videos and mobile exhibits, public outreach, legislation and politician tracking, and new chapters and liaisons) then please send a donation to:
Arizona Right to Life
3700 N 24th St, Suite 100
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Thank you for taking the time to read Arizona Right to Life's monthly e-newsletter. If you would like to learn more about our mission or events please email us at or call our office at 602-285-0063.
Once again, thank you for your time and your commitment to being a "Friend of Life."

Newsletter Editor: Trent Horn

Upcoming Local Pro-life Events

Mesa Right to Life Fundraiser Event
On Saturday, August 9th the Arizona Right to Life Mesa Chapter, in concert with Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre, will be hosting a dinner and production of "Honkytonk Angels." For more information please contact Joe or Jinny Perron at or 480-807-2834.

Save the Date: AZRTL State Conference
On September 5th-6th Arizona Right to Life will be hosting it's 30th annual State Conference, "Building a Legacy of Life . . . Empowering America's Leaders" at the Scottsdale Chaparral Suites Resort. Featured Speakers include Stephanie Gray - Executive Director of the Canadian Center for Bio-ethical Reform, Dr. William Toffler - National Director of Physicians for Compassionate Care, and David Bereit, the National Campaign Director of 40 Days for Life.
40 Days for Life
September 24th - November 2nd, 2008
Do you live in Chandler, Tempe, Glendale, Phoenix, or Scottsdale? Do you want to take part in leading a prayer vigil at local abortion mills this fall and pray for our nation with thousands of other pro-lifers across the country? If you would like to help organize a prayer vigli for 40 Days for Life in your area, please contact AZRTL Programs Manager Trent Horn at
As part of our kickoff for the Fall 40 Days for Life Campaign, David Bereit, the campaign's National Director will be our keynote speaker for this year's Arizona Right to Life State Conference!

Click here to register online. Don't forget to mark your calendars for this important event!

If you would like your pro-life events posted in our monthly newsletter, email us at