DPS Audit Of DES Raises Questions, Provides Few Answers
---Nearly 7 months after DES interim Inspector General Dennis Young advised multiple people that the audit was complete and found the claims to be baseless, the audit released on Friday included the finding that ammunition was purchased in violation of state law and an “excessive” amount of ammunition had been procured.
What is known is that the auditor never interviewed Jeffries or Collier and included statements attributed to witnesses, who now deny they ever made the statements. What is also known is that the auditor makes claims about records and other documents that conflict with the records included in the audit.
The audit concluded that the Department had 2000 rounds of ammunition per security staff member. That allocation would be “per armed employee at the time,” responded Loftus by email. However, 12 new security staff members were to begin work the Monday following his termination “With 12 more armed employees, within 90 days 50 more armed employees were to be hired, and procurement time was in excess of 60 days from request to delivery. This analysis is very deceptive and certainly a dishonest method of reporting any type of investigation,” explained Loftus.
The audit reports that interim assistant chief Inspector General Carlos Contreras made the claim that he and Loftus talked Jeffries out of a scheme to arm every DES employee. Not only does Jeffries deny that he ever wanted every employee armed, but both Contreras and Jeffries deny that the conversation ever occurred.
Among the other more bizarre claims in the audit is that of the 55 handguns purchased for 28 armed security officers and 23 sworn law enforcement personnel, three were carried by Jeffries, Collier and Arcellana.
Yet according to Collier, “I was never interviewed in regards to this audit. Had I been interviewed, I would have gladly sworn under oath that I never, not once, carried a firearm at DES or any other state facility, even though I did in fact have my LEOSA certification.
Loftus says he “never saw Jeffries carrying a pistol.” Jeffries denied carrying a firearm while working at DES.
Read the rest of the article at The Arizona Daily Independent