Thursday, May 31, 2012

Goldwater Institute: (Un)Welcome to Sedona!

by Christina Sandefur

Just six years ago, Arizonans enacted one of the nation’s strongest protections for property rights. That measure is Proposition 207, and it says the government must compensate you when regulations reduce your property value. 
But that protection is under attack. Now that the state and cities can’t pass the buck to individuals and families, governments are realizing just how expensive their regulations can be. So it is unsurprising that they’re doing their best to avoid paying the high price. 
The latest attempt comes from Sedona, which made it a crime to rent residential property for fewer than 30 days, and the city defines “rent” very broadly. This means property owners are subject to punishments of up to 6 months in jail and/or a $2,500 fine for engaging in a wide range of activities, including purchasing a time share, contracting for home improvements, and even hiring a babysitter!
Attempting to avoid Prop 207 liability, the city of Sedona tried to masquerade the ordinance as a “health and safety” regulation, which is exempted from Prop 207. But the court of appeals saw through the façade and ruled that the city can’t avoid Prop 207 by merely claiming to advance public health without offering any evidence that the regulation actually does so.
On the taxpayers’ dime, Sedona is challenging that decision in the Arizona Supreme Court. The Goldwater Institute, which has long defended property owners from government attempts to dilute or evade Prop. 207, is supporting Sedona property owners in that case. In 2006, Arizonans demanded genuine protections for their property. Cities should stop wasting taxpayer resources trying to skirt the rules and start respecting their citizens’ rights. 
Christina Sandefur is an attorney for the Goldwater Institute’s Scharf-Norton Center for Constitutional Litigation.
Learn more:
Goldwater Institute: Giving Property Owners Their Day in Court
Arizona Republic: Court: Owners must be paid for property value
Read the online version of this daily email here.

Culture of Hypercriticism

With the rise of the 24/7 news cycle and expansion of media allowing everyone to create their own stories on the internet, a new void has been created. It has been filled by hypercriticism. Hypercriticism used to be reserved for celebrities, as paparazzi closely tracked every move of Hollywood stars. But the spread of cable talk shows and rise of the internet has allowed a microscopic analysis to transcend into politics; putting politicians and candidates for office under an unhealthy and irrational level of scrutiny. Instead of judging political leaders on real issues, they are now also judged on criteria that most of us would never think twice about if it was regarding one of our friends. They are held to impossible standards and put in catch-22 situations where they are criticized no matter what they do.

Much of this hypercriticism was on display during the Republican presidential primary. Now that it is essentially over, instead of remembering the candidates' positions on important issues, we remember the insignificant things. Rick Santorum wears ugly sweater vests. Newt Gingrich must not care enough about the election because he took a short vacation during election season. Michele Bachmann has problems with her makeup, eyes and has too many foster children. Everyone remembers these superficial “flaws” about the candidates but can't coherently explain where they stand on foreign policy.
Mitt Romney is criticized for a highly successfully career making money from investments in the private sector. But if he had been a career politician, like Newt Gingrich, then he would be criticized for being a Washington insider. Even that criticism of Gingrich is overdone, because he has significant private sector experience, which includes teaching, writing books, political consulting, and founding and running think tanks. Furthermore, criticism of politicians for being career politicians does not take into account the full picture. There are advantages to having an elected official who knows the system well. Granted, there are disadvantages because the politician may become influenced by the lobbyists who contribute to his reelection campaign, and may become ingratiated to other politicians and powerful people. Political office is the only type of job where people think the person with the least experience is the most qualified. In reality, it is far more complex than that.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Chucri Files Over 3,500 Petition Signatures for County Supervisor

Steve Chucri for County Supervisor

Contact: Tyler Hudgins

Chucri Files Over 3,500 Petition Signatures

Maricopa County - Today, the Steve Chucri campaign officially filed its nominating petitions with the Maricopa County Elections Department in order to qualify for the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors District 2 election. In total, the campaign collected over 3,500 signatures.

The campaign far surpassed the required number of 981 signatures, showing the immense support that Chucri has generated across District 2.

"I'm very pleased with the momentum my campaign has been methodically building in preparation of reaching victory on Election Day," stated Chucri.

Endorsements for Steve Chucri include U. S. Senator Jon Kyl, Congressman Jeff Flake, Congressman Ben Quayle, Congressman David Schweikert, Congressman Paul Gosar, Congressman Trent Franks, State Senate President Steve Pierce, Maricopa County Supervisor Andy Kunasek, Gilbert Mayor John Lewis, Mesa Mayor Scott Smith, Scottsdale Mayor Jim Lane, Chandler Mayor Jay Tibshraeny, and Paradise Valley Mayor Scott LeMarr.

Chucri has served as the President & CEO of the Arizona Restaurant Association (ARA) since 2002. Under his leadership and tireless work ethic, the ARA and restaurant industry has enjoyed a substantial growth in sales in what will amount to a ten billion dollar industry in Arizona this year alone.

As President and CEO of the ARA, Chucri represents business owners and sees firsthand how the actions of local, state, and federal governments can positively or negatively impact restaurants and other small businesses in Arizona. Chucri's experiences as a businessman, husband, and father have given him invaluable insight into the needs of his community and ensure that, as County Supervisor, he will always put people before politics.

Goldwater Institute: It’s Time to Give our First Freedom as Much Respect as the Second

by Nick Dranias
Arizonans have the right to bear arms nearly everywhere in this state without having to register anyone or anything with the government.  Likewise, as mighty as the pen might be, no one should be forced to register themselves (or their pen) before communicating with elected officials about legislative reform. Yet, Arizona has done just that through its overreaching lobbying laws.
Arizona does not define “lobbying” as lurking in the lobbies of the legislature and trading an expensive steak dinner for an opportunity to bend a legislator’s ear. Instead, Arizona law defines lobbying as “attempting to influence the passage or defeat of any legislation by directly communicating with any legislator.” Even a newspaper columnist who directly emails a link to his latest opinion editorial to a legislator is lobbying if the email dares to express an opinion on a pending or proposed bill or legislative reform.
Although vaguely worded exemptions appear to limit the reach of Arizona’s lobbying regulations, the reality is that no one can freely talk to elected officials in Arizona about legislative reform without being threatened by the government. Even if citizens and citizen groups invoke exemptions to avoid the need to register as lobbyists, as the Goldwater Institute has for its analysts, elected officials will still try to silence or impede public testimony as supposedly impermissible lobbying. This is because Arizona’s complex and lengthy lobbying laws encourage elected officials to believe citizens and citizen groups lack legal authority to speak freely on public policy. In effect, citizens are now presumed to have no inherent right to communicate with their representatives. This is an incredibly dangerous development.
In a free society, no politician should think even for a moment that he can require citizens and public interest groups to get the government’s permission to talk to the government.
Unfortunately, Arizona’s lobbying laws threaten this foundational requirement of our representative republic. For that reason, it is time to reform Arizona’s lobbying laws to more fully protect our First Amendment rights, just as we have reformed Arizona’s gun laws to more robustly protect our Second Amendment rights.
Our first freedom should get at least as much respect as our second.
A longer version of this article originally appeared in the Arizona Capitol Times.
Nick Dranias holds the Clarence J. and Katherine P. Duncan Chair for Constitutional Government and is director of the Joseph and Dorothy Donnelly Moller Center for Constitutional Government at the Goldwater Institute.
Learn More:
Goldwater Institute: In Defense of Anonymous Speech
National Archives: The Bill of Rights
Read the online version of this daily email here.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Will I owe taxes on a short sale or foreclosure?

I am a bankruptcy attorney in Phoenix ($995/Chapter 7) and frequently deal with client issues involving short sales, foreclosures and mortgage loan modifications. One situation that arises frequently is whether clients will owe taxes on a short sale, foreclosure, deed in lieu or foreclosure, or loan modification. Even if the lender doesn't come after them for the difference in value, will the IRS, labeling it as income that must be taxed? To deal with the impending real estate crisis, Congress passed the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act in 2007. It exempts from taxation certain debt forgiveness involved with losing your home - but not all. The home must be your primary residence (you must have lived there for at least 2 consecutive years within the past 5 years), and the loss must have been for buying, building or improving your home. Home equity loans or cash-out mortgage refinancings only qualify if they were used to make improvements. The maximum amount that may be forgiven is $2 million for a couple or $1 million for a single person.

If you don't qualify for the exemption, filing bankruptcy will eliminate the IRS debt. If you're seen as insolvent, the IRS cannot impute income to you.

For more information, click here and here.

The Alexander Bankruptcy Law Firm provides low low cost Chapter 7 and 13 personal bankruptcies. $995 Chapter 7 or $2500 Chapter 13 bankruptcies plus court filing fee. Free consultation with a compassionate attorney who will handle your case personally. Call 24/7, available to meet with you around your schedule. 602-910-6812. Conveniently located in Central Phoenix along the Camelback corridor.

Goldwater Institute: A Better Idea for Education Reform: Unshackling Schools

Arizona enacted a new law earlier this month that got little attention but could make a big impact on school performance.
Rep. J.D. Mesnard introduced the measure, which allows school districts that receive an “A” for three years on their district report card to request exemption from specific state regulations or statutes. Districts can be free from regulations that direct efforts and resources away from schools’ primary task of educating students. Georgia lawmakers have enacted a similar provision.
The new law will let top districts do more to help their students. Although modest in scope, with limited eligibility and areas for exemption, the law is an example of how lawmakers can encourage school innovation through less regulation.
The concept of exempting schools from regulations would serve charter schools well, too. But they were not included in the bill. Charter schools are already supposed to be exempt from most state regulations, but with every new rule passed for traditional schools, charter schools are often automatically included (examples include the Common Core Standards and new teacher evaluation rules). Charter schools are designed to be free to develop better ways to educate children, so their leaders should be able to request exemption from new requirements too.
The exemptions that will be requested will likely be different from district to district and school to school, which is one of this laws best features. Every student is different, which makes every classroom and every school different. We should create more models that provide customized learning experiences for every child, and schools must be vigilant in identifying laws that get in the way. Whether that vision includes more online courses or a hybrid approach of online and in-classroom learning, state rules shouldn’t interfere.
This new law is a modest step toward less regulation of our schools that have proven they can get the job done, but the principle behind the measure will enhance school freedom and promote new approaches to education. Now that’s innovation.
Jonathan Butcher is education director for the Goldwater Institute.
Learn More:
Arizona Legislature: HB 2599
Georgia Code: O.C.G.A. § 20-2-80
Read the online version of this daily email here.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Local Coach Publishes Book: The Constitution – I’m Not Kidding and Other Tales of Liberal Folly

Local Thunderbird Academy High School basketball coach and insurance professional, Curtice Mang, has published an outrageously funny new book. Titled The Constitution – I’m Not Kidding and Other Tales of Liberal Folly, the book takes a hilarious look at the state of affairs of current politics and government. Curtice Mang has long had a passion for both basketball and politics. He satisfies his basketball passion through coaching and has now satisfied his political passion through the release of his new book.

In much the same way political humorist P. J. O’Rourke has tackled politics for years, Mang laughingly takes on many of today’s biggest topics such as big government, global warming, the nanny state and even the battle, literally, between capitalism and Marxism.

The extremely readable book contains enough humor in its thirteen chapters to make any reader chuckle and then some. “Today’s political climate can make one laugh or cry,” Mang said. “Laughing is better”.

Mang’s book has its genesis as a letter to the editor he wrote as the Obamacare legislation was passing Congress. The blogger responses to the published letter were quite funny, albeit unintentionally so. This forms the basis of the book’s first chapter. Recent Supreme Court activity regarding Obamacare makes the first chapter of the book very timely.

“The author has a great sense of humor that shows up very early in the book and continues to the end.”
- Thomas M. Hill, Launchpad Book Reviews

“Curtice Mang has done in fewer than 100 pages what others have failed to achieve in 500 pages: present a concise, lucid description of the intellectual shortcomings underlying much of modern liberal thought. That he has done so while employing his considerable sense of humor has made The Constitution: I'm Not Kidding and Other Tales of Liberal Folly a must read for those tired of the hypocrisy and absence of logic prevalent on the left."
- Skip Fischer, Former Congressional Staffer

The Constitution – I’m Not Kidding and Other Tales of Liberal Folly can be purchased as a paperback or e-book at It is also available at and Curtice Mang can also be contacted at, as well as Facebook or by phone at 602-403-1373.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Schweikert for Congress Campaign statement on Quayle campaign’s release of information about underage Schweikert volunteer

The Schweikert Campaign released the following statement yesterday:

“We find it disappointing and frankly abhorrent that the Quayle campaign would disseminate the name and contact information of an underage Schweikert for Congress volunteer to the media. We fully expected their campaign to engage in dirty tricks, but dragging an underage volunteer (who the Schweikert campaign will not name publicly due to her age) into their scheme represents a new low for even the Quayle campaign.”

IC Arizona covered this story earlier here. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

$599 bankruptcy: Too good to be true?

I am a bankruptcy attorney ($995/Chapter 7) and frequently see all too many bankruptcies advertised at super low prices turn into much more than advertised for. When you shop around for a bankruptcy attorney, you need to ask them up front what that flat fee includes. When you add up all the extra costs, you could be looking at paying $3950 total! We saw that happen to someone today in a bankruptcy hearing.

It doesn't have to be that way. When you find a bankruptcy attorney, ask them up front before hiring them what the flat fee includes. Generally, the only extra costs should be the court filing fee ($306) and the 2 required financial courses (which can be found online as cheaply as $10). With rare exceptions (which have never come up for any of my clients), there should not be any additional expenses.

Here is a list of additional expenses that we do not charge extra for. Be sure to ask any attorney advertising for a super low price whether they charge extra for these. Then figure out how much the real amount will be. Is it still a good deal?

1. Attending the mandatory 341 Meeting of the Creditors. One attorney friend of ours charges an additional $400.
2. Responding to emails.
3. Responding to phone calls.
4. Pulling a credit report ($30-$50 and even more if marked up)
5. Any additional meetings with you.
6. Any additional meetings or court appearances required by the bankruptcy court.
7. Any additional motions or filings required, including adversary proceedings.
8. Copies.
9. Helping you get a loan modification on your home.

You should also ask how much you will be dealing with the attorney, or will you be mostly working with a secretary or paralegal. We've seen far too many cases go to the 341 Meeting of the Creditors where the attorney is not prepared because someone else in the firm actually did the bankruptcy.

The Alexander Bankruptcy Law Firm provides low low cost Chapter 7 and 13 personal bankruptcies. $995 Chapter 7 or $2500 Chapter 13 bankruptcies plus court filing fee. Free consultation with a compassionate attorney who will handle your case personally. Call 24/7, available to meet with you around your schedule. 602-910-6812. Conveniently located in Central Phoenix along the Camelback corridor.

Goldwater Institute: Rich Man, Poor Man: Public Pensions and Taxpayers

by Byron Schlomach, Ph.D.
While state lawmakers are to be congratulated for passing a balanced budget and largely holding the line on spending increases, there is an unnecessary $11 million spending increase tucked in the nooks and crannies. That’s the additional contribution to the state’s financially troubled retirement funds for state workers.
I’m regularly told that Arizona’s public employee retirement system is one of the best managed in the nation. That’s old news, though. From 2001 to 2009, Arizona’s retirement system funding level dropped 39 percentage points, the third worst performance among the states. Officially, Arizona’s state pension systems are $15 billion (with a “b”) short, though other estimates show them much further in the red.
The Manhattan Institute recently released a public pension calculator for Arizona. You can calculate the total annuity that would be required to fund a given individual’s pension. For example, let’s say a teacher retires at 55 with 33 years of experience, making $60,000 per year. The yearly pension would be about $45,000. If the teacher had saved for her own pension, she’d have to have about $870,000 in the bank.
By my calculations, for a teacher to save $870,000, she’d have had to save 15 percent of her salary and earned 8 percent interest every single year, without exception. Taxpayers are effectively on the hook to guarantee a retirement as if public employees had been this disciplined and this clever as investors. We all want workers to have access to retirement plans, but they should be more in line with what regular taxpayers have. The rest of us fund our own retirements while dealing with recessions and the realities of being unable to save 15 percent every year and guaranteed rates of returns in the stock market.
Legally, it might not be possible to get taxpayers off the hook for current public employees. But there’s no reason we should keep digging the hole. New state workers should get 401(k)’s that they own and manage – and that don’t make false promises that taxpayers are forced to keep.
Dr. Byron Schlomach is the director of the Goldwater Institute’s Center for Economic Prosperity.
Learn More:
Goldwater Institute: Defusing the Pension Bomb: Making Retirement Plans Solvent for All Public
Goldwater Institute: Debt and Taxes: Arizona Taxpayers on Hook for $66 Billion Tab Run Up by State, Local
Manhattan Institute: Calculate Your Public Pension
Cato Institute: State and Local Pension Plans: Funding Status, Asset Management, and a Look Ahead (PDF)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Salmon Launches First Television Ad of CD-5 Election

Goldwater Institute: ‘Ghost Students’ Cost Arizona Taxpayers $125 Million Each School Year

‘Ghost Students’ Cost Arizona Taxpayers $125 Million Each School Year
 Goldwater Institute calls for school funding fix before tax increase is considered

Phoenix, AZ – Arizona taxpayers spend $125 million each school year funding more than 13,000 ghost students at public schools.
In a new report, “Ghost Busters: How to Save $125 Million a Year in Arizona’s Education Budget,” Goldwater Institute education director Jonathan Butcher explains that Arizona’s outdated school funding system pays for some students twice. Arizona schools are funded based on the number of students who attended the school in the previous school year. But when a student transfers out of one school and into another, the school receiving the student can apply for funding for that student mid-year. This results in two schools – the school the student used to attend and the school the student attends now – receiving money for the same student. And it costs taxpayers $125 million each school year.
“We are literally throwing $125 million school funding dollars into a black hole,” says Butcher. “More money would be available for all schools if we weren’t paying for ‘ghosts’.”
Two years ago, Arizona voters passed a temporary sales tax increase to protect schools from budget cuts during the recession. That tax is set to expire next year and some groups are proposing an extension of that temporary sales tax and are working to put that question on the November election ballot.
“Do we really need to raise taxes on families when we are paying for thousands of empty desks?” says Butcher. “We should re-direct the money that is double-paying and fill whatever gap schools may have.”
In the report, Butcher recommends adjusting the way schools are funded to prevent these double-payments in the future. Instead of funding schools based on last year’s enrollment, school funding should be based on current enrollment, he says. He says that Arizona’s 524 charter schools are already funded this way.
“We already have a model for how this funding structure would work. We do it like this for charter schools,” Butcher says. “They are funded on current student counts and adjust according to the increases and decreases in their student populations. All we’re asking is that all schools be funded like charter schools.”
This simple fix, Butcher says, would save taxpayers millions each year.

Contact: Lucy Caldwell, (602) 462-5000, ext. 273

Jeff Flake speaking to Politics on the Rocks May 29th

Politics on the Rocks
RSVP Today on Facebook!
Politics on the Rocks is honored to announce that Unites States Congressman Jeff Flake will speak at our upcoming networking event on Tuesday, May 29th 6:00 PM at The Mint located at 7373 E. Camelback Rd. in Scottsdale. This free event is open to the public. Come meet, take a picture with, and hear directly from Congressman Flake. Please feel free to bring your friends and to forward this invite to your co-workers and fellow networkers. Part restaurant, part ultra-lounge, The Mint occupies a 7,000 square foot space that was previously a bank, giving inspiration to the name. In a nod to its past, The Mint’s centerpiece is the original vault door, whil e updated touches evoke a Hollywood Regency design influence. For more information on The Mint, please visit their website.
Jeff Flake, presently serving his sixth term in Congress, represents the Sixth Congressional District of Arizona. This district includes parts of Mesa and Chandler and all of Gilbert, Queen Creek, and Apache Junction. Jeff serves on the House Committee on Appropriations.
Jeff is a fifth-generation Arizonan, raised on a ranch in Snowflake, Arizona (the town was named, in part, after Jeff's great-great grandfather). After serving a Mormon mission in southern Africa, Jeff graduated from Brigham Young University, where he received a B.A. in International Relations and an M.A. in Political Science. More importantly, it was at BYU that Jeff met his wife, Cheryl.
In 1987, Jeff started his career at a public affairs firm in Washington, D.C. Soon thereafter, Jeff moved to the southern African nation of Namibia. As the Executive Director of the Foundation for Democracy, a foundation monitoring Namibia's independence process, he saw the nation usher in freedom and democracy. In 1992, Jeff and his family moved back to Arizona where he was named Executive Director of the Goldwater Institute. In this role, Jeff worked to promote a conservative philosophy of less government, more freedom, and individual responsibility.
Jeff and Cheryl have been married 26 years and live in Mesa. They have five children. For more information on Congressman Jeff Flake, please visit his website.
Our charity of the month is the American Foundation for Cardiomyopathy. Anthony Miller and other representatives from this charity will be on hand at the event with information on the charity and how you can get involved. Cardiomyopathy is a disease of the heart muscle. Cardiomyopathy is the leading cause of sudden cardiac arrest in people under 30, and is a leading cause of death among student athletes. When you read about a child suddenly dying during a basketball or football game, the cause is usually undiagnosed Cardiomyopathy. For more information on American Foundation for Cardiomyopathy, please take a look at their website.
Charles A. Jensen
Politics on the Rocks National Committee

RSVP Today on Facebook!

: Tuesday, May 29th
Time: 6:00pm

The Mint
7373 E. Camelback Rd
Scottsdale, Arizona [ map it! ]

Someone places Quayle campaign signs at Schweikert's headquarters

Dear Schweikert supporters,

Earlier this week, for reasons unknown to our campaign, individuals presumably from our opponent's campaign, decided to visit our headquarters and place signs on both the front windows and sidewalk of our office.

The signs were on the property of the Schweikert campaign office and were removed.

Rather than throw them away, we held them in hopes that someone from our opponent's campaign would recognize the error of their way and come and retrieve the signs.  To their credit, they did and they were given their signs back promptly and undamaged.

Strangely enough, they then decided to call the police department and make a false claim that the signs were somehow "stolen" despite being left on Schweikert campaign property.

To the credit of the Phoenix Police Department, the officers who responded to the complaint made by our opponent's campaign refused to file a police report since our campaign had every right to remove them from our property.

That said, we have seen indications that our opponent’s campaign seems to want to engage in this type of behavior.  That is their prerogative to do so and it's not for us to tell them how to run their campaign.

With that in mind, I wanted to take a moment and ask all of our supporters to remember that, notwithstanding these kind campaign antics, we want to continue to treat our opponent's campaign and their supporters with courtesy and respect as we move on to victory on Election Day.

Thank you,
David and Joyce

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Alexander Bankruptcy Law Firm: Wells Fargo Foreclosure Leads Man To Commit Suicide

This is a very tragic story of a man who shot himself after Wells Fargo refused to work with him and went ahead with foreclosure proceedings on his home. Their story is one of the most egregious ones I've seen; Norm Rousseau and his wife had put down nearly 30% on their home - their life savings - and never missed a payment. Wells Fargo accused them of missing a payment - a payment they had proof of making - and then started foreclosure proceedings. They were advised by Wells Fargo to stop making payments, or they would not be eligible for a loan modification. Then Wells Fargo told them they were not eligible for a loan modification, since they did not make enough money (even though their income had not changed). Wells Fargo still intends to evict his wife and stepson.

Everyone has to realize, this is an epidemic like we've never seen in our lifetime, the economy is as bad as it was during the Great Depression. Almost EVERYONE is struggling, they just don't let on (WE know, since we see all our friends filing bankruptcy). MOST of us planned to make money off of our homes as investments. And now MOST of us will not. It is frustrating, but we're ALL in the same boat. You CANNOT let it get to you. Think of all the starving people in Africa who own nothing! You still have your family and friends and housing over your head, even if it's a rented apartment. It's NOT the end of the world by any means. Hang in there from Alexander Bankruptcy Law Firm!

Read the full story at Mandelman Matters

The Alexander Bankruptcy Law Firm provides low low cost Chapter 7 and 13 personal bankruptcies. $995 Chapter 7 or $2500 Chapter 13 bankruptcies plus court filing fee. Free consultation with a compassionate attorney who will handle your case personally. Call 24/7, available to meet with you around your schedule. 602-910-6812. Conveniently located in Central Phoenix along the Camelback corridor.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Citizens United Political Victory Fund Endorses Salmon for Congress

Nationally recognized conservative organization calls Salmon "courageous leader"

EAST VALLEY - Former Congressman and candidate for Arizona's 5th congressional district Matt Salmon today received the endorsement from the Citizens United Political Victory Fund (CUPVF). CUPVF, the affiliated PAC of Citizens United and widely recognized as the "Conservative PAC for Conservative Candidates," issued the following statement from David N. Bossie, President of Citizens United:
"Matt Salmon is a principled conservative and it is critically important for him to return to Congress at this seminal moment in American history. Matt will be a courageous leader in Washington from day one, because he has the ability to convince others that his fiscally responsible policies will put America back on the right track. I look forward to working with Matt Salmon again when he comes to Congress next year, because I know he is not afraid to take the tough votes that lie ahead."

Former Congressman Salmon stated, "Perhaps no other organization across the country has been more influential at promoting the conservative principles of limited government, free enterprise and personal liberty than Citizens United. I am honored to receive their endorsement and continue to be humbled by the overwhelming and growing support for my campaign from conservative leaders and organizations across our great nation and state. I'm eager to get to work and lead the fight for conservative causes in Congress, once again."


Goldwater Institute: The Taxpayers Win One

Goldwater Institute Daily
May 17, 2012
The Taxpayers Win One
by Clint Bolick Two years ago, Gov. Jan Brewer abolished the Arizona Department of Commerce. It wasn’t an act of getting rid of government waste or excess, but rather making way for a new entity: the “quasi-public” Arizona Commerce Authority.
The Authority was designed to be a “deal-closing” entity, wherein government and private officials possessing greater wisdom than market forces, can deploy resources to lure businesses to Arizona and create new ones. A nice concept, perhaps, but in most states such entities merely dole out subsidies to favored businesses.

That isn’t supposed to happen in Arizona. Our Constitution prohibits gifts to private entities “by subsidy or otherwise.” In Turken v. Gordon, litigated by the Goldwater Institute, the Arizona Supreme Court held that government can assist specific businesses only if they receive direct, tangible, commensurate, and enforceable benefits in return.
That leaves the Authority plenty of latitude — but not for what it tried to do a few weeks ago. At a ceremony honoring businesses competing in the Authority’s “innovative challenge” program, the Authority’s CEO Don Cardon decided to dole out $5,000 “stipends” to 15 unsuccessful applicants. Given that the stipends were after-the-fact, it would be impossible for the state to demand anything in return.

That’s exactly what the Institute said in a letter to Cardon, declaring that the payments looked more like a “slush fund” than the limited quid pro quo agreements the Authority is permitted to make. On May 11, the Authority relented and decided the stipends will not be paid.
It is a small victory for taxpayers, but an important one, for it calls the Authority’s attention to the constitutional limits on its powers — and to the fact that its actions will be watched closely.
Clint Bolick is director of the Goldwater Institute’s Scharf-Norton Center for Constitutional Litigation.
Learn More:
Arizona Supreme Court: Turken v. Gordon (PDF)

Goldwater Institute: The Path to Jobs is Not Through the Red Ribbon

Goldwater Institute: Research Shows States Don’t Stimulate Job Growth With Taxpayer Handouts

Arizona Commerce Authority: Public Meeting Agenda and Minutes

Read the online version of this daily email here.

Get Involved



Clint Bolick
(602) 462-5000

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Right Online is next month in VEGAS!!!!!!!!


RightOnline 2012 is coming to Las Vegas, Nevada!

Coming soon on June 15-16, Americans for Prosperity Foundation will host the fifth annual RightOnline Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. Over the years, RightOnline has built a reputation as the premier conference for bloggers, social media gurus and online activists to network and learn new tactics.
This year, RightOnline is an event you can’t afford to miss. Top national speakers and leading experts will host tracks and break-out sessions featuring the latest in new media applications and strategy for 2012. Due to the sharpened focus, RightOnline will have limited space that is expected to fill up fast.
Scott Rasmussen, Michelle Malkin, Guy Benson, Hugh Hewitt, Ann McElhinney, Lars Larson, and Congressman Joe Heck join what will be a formidable line-up of political leaders, new media experts, and personalities at RightOnline 2012. Featured speakers last year included Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Herman Cain, Andrew Breitbart, Ed Morrisey, Guy Benson, Erick Erickson, and many more.

Filing bankruptcy can save your home from foreclosure

I am a bankruptcy attorney in Phoenix ($995/Chapter 7) and one additional way I am able to help my clients is to save their homes from foreclosure. Did you know that the instant you file bankruptcy, generally your home becomes protected under the automatic stay and your lender cannot touch it until your bankruptcy is discharged?** A typical Chapter 7 bankruptcy takes around 4-5 months to cycle through, giving you 4-5 months of protection. During that period of time, most lenders become more willing to negotiate with you and give you a loan modification to lower your monthly payments. Because they realize you will have fewer bills so you will be better able to make your mortgage payments. Rep. David Scheikert and other members of Congress have been very helpful to our clients acting as a liaison to their lenders to help them obtain loan modifications.

But don't wait until the night before your home goes up for foreclosure to meet with a bankruptcy attorney. They may not be able to get your bankruptcy ready in one day. For example, you are only allowed to have $150 in your bank account on the day you file. If you take out thousands of dollars the day before filing bankruptcy, the trustee will likely want to know what happened to that money and could seize it back from you. You are better off setting up a free consultation well in advance to analyze all of your options and future possibilities. After you have gone over all of the contingencies and scenarios with your attorney, then you can decide whether or not it is a good idea to put off filing until somewhat close to the foreclosure date, in order to maximize the amount of time you have protecting your home.

**Each state has a certain homestead exemption that protects up to a certain amount of value in a home. In Arizona, the limit is $150,000. This only applies to equity. So, if you own a home worth $400,000, but owe $250,000 on it, your home will be protected. If you own a home worth $160,000 and owe nothing on it, it may not be protected so be sure to talk to a bankruptcy attorney

The Alexander Bankruptcy Law Firm provides low low cost Chapter 7 and 13 personal bankruptcies. $995 Chapter 7 or $2500 Chapter 13 bankruptcies plus court filing fee. Free consultation with a compassionate attorney who will handle your case personally. Call 24/7, available to meet with you around your schedule. 602-910-6812. Conveniently located in Central Phoenix along the Camelback corridor.

The Hottest Republican Congressional Primary Race in the Country

The fiscal watchdog organization Club for Growth is calling the Congressional primary race in Arizona’s newly redistricted CD6 the most watched Republican congressional primary race in the country. Due to Arizona gaining a new House seat and redistricting, incumbent House Republicans David Schweikert and Ben Quayle saw their districts overlap. The redistricting committee, which is controlled by the left, did this to Republicans purposely. Quayle’s house ended up barely inside of Arizona’s new CD9. Since the new CD9 contains Tempe, which is not as conservative as CD6 in the Northeast Valley, Quayle announced shortly after the redistricting that he would be running in CD6, not CD9 where he lives. He is not required to move into CD6 in order to run there.

Both Quayle and Schweikert entered office in 2011. They have taken very different paths since then. Quayle has gone along with leadership to become the establishment favorite, avoiding controversial votes rather than crossing Speaker Boehner. Quayle missed 65 votes last year. By missing votes, Quayle is able to claim he has one of the best conservative records in Congress. To avoid the perception that he votes as he is told, Quayle voted against approving the notes from the House Journal, a benign and meaningless vote that was exposed as a parliamentary procedural trick.
In contrast, Schweikert, a Tea Party favorite, has stood up to House leadership on major legislation, only missing around five votes last year. He voted against CISPA, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. CISPA grossly infringes upon privacy rights, permitting internet companies like Facebook and Google to turn over emails from their users to law enforcement without obtaining probable cause or a search warrant first. Most Republican members of Congress voted for it, since they receive large contributions from those companies for their campaigns. Schweikert also voted against SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act, which would transfer vast amounts of power to the Department of Justice to shut down websites over vague intellectual property accusations. Schweikert voluntarily stepped down from his position as Deputy Whip last year on principle, unwilling to lobby other members to vote for bills he did not agree with.

Read the rest of the article at Townhall 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Join Voices Empower in Phoenix on Friday~ The Obama Team is working there….

 Editor's note - Brian Symes and I will be teaching social media activism tips at this conference.

Bundling the Grassroots™ Meets Boots On The Ground Driving the Narrative/Social Media Training in Phoenix AZ!
You may be asking why head to Phoenix, AZ  to organize and train Conservative Information Pushers?
Watch this video and you will understand why….

The other reason is there are key state and local races that need some help organizing the grassroots and the benefit of our training is that by organizing at the ground level we can take out Obama and State and Local progressives as well.
If you are a grassroots activist and you would like to join our training we would love to have your there. Below is the information.
FREE to Arizona Legislators
$25.00 for grassroots campaign social media activists/volunteers/staff
Learn from:
Alice Linahan, Voices Empower who was inside the Santorum social media network. She can provide the strategy of energizing the base and FLIPPING THE FUNNEL while driving the narrative. She will also be presenting her Generation Mentor Program~Bringing generations of Americans together to save our great country during the 2012 election.

Lisa Benson
will be presenting BUNDLING THE GRASSROOTS FUNDRAISING PLAN -a trademarked platform. We will be formatting Twitter, Facebook and the integration of the systems on smart phones, lap tops and IPADS. Raise $$$$ and mobilize like it is 2012 and not 1973.
DATE:  Friday, May 18th 
TIME:  8:45 am – 4:30 pm
RSVP to Lisa Benson by May 17th
Place:  Graciously Hosted At Arizona Rock Products Association 
916 West Adams Street, #1, Phoenix, Arizona

Monday, May 14, 2012

Wells Fargo Now Refusing To Waive Deficiency Rights On Freddie Mac Short Sales

Good old Wells Fargo is up to their tricks again. Only this time, they may be playing with fire. If you haven’t already heard, Wells Fargo instituted a policy that went into effect on 5/1/12. From now on, they are refusing to waive any deficiency rights for their Freddie Mac short sales. This, despite the fact that Freddie just instituted a policy on 2/15/12, specifically barring any lender/servicer from requiring deficiency language in their short sale approval letters. The new policy reads “Reinforcing the requirement that the Servicer, for itself and on behalf of Freddie Mac, must waive all rights to seek deficiencies for short payoffs and deed-in-lieu of foreclosure transactions on Freddie Mac Mortgages that have closed in accordance with the Guide”. So, what did Wells Fargo do with this requirement? They basically gave Freddie Mac (and distressed homeowners) the proverbial “middle finger”, and instituted a policy that REQUIRES that ALL Freddie Mac mortgages will have the following language in the approval letters they issue: “With the exception of a Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternative (HAFA) closing, nothing in this Demand Statement or in the release of the mortgage shall waive the right to seek a deficiency under the loan documents or any of its other rights thereunder, and the obligations evidenced by the note shall remain in full force and effect until paid in full“. Houston, we have a problem!

Read the rest of the article at For Sale Phoenix Homes

The Alexander Bankruptcy Law Firm provides low low cost Chapter 7 and 13 personal bankruptcies. $995 Chapter 7 or $2500 Chapter 13 bankruptcies plus court filing fee. Free consultation with a compassionate attorney who will handle your case personally. Call 24/7, available to meet with you around your schedule. 602-910-6812. Conveniently located in Central Phoenix along the Camelback corridor.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

1991 Volvo 740 Turbo for sale in great condition - $2500

This is in INSANELY PERFECT CONDITION. I bought it a year ago because I needed reliable, inexpensive transportation. It has served me well but must be moved to a better place. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING works, and the reason I bought it was because the previous original owner had complete maintenance records back to when George H.W. Bush was president. It is so insanely perfect that I am just going to give you the differences between a 2013 Ferrari:

1. The A/C works perfectly, but in Sweden. It is never over 80 degrees. I don't recommend a 3-piece suit.
2. The turbo still kicks ass but mpg is about 22-23.
3. Most of the paint is good but the hood is ugly as sin. The paint is completely oxidized; I waxed it once and couldn't stop laughing.
 4. Some of the plastic is cracked or broken but it all still works. The left rear taillight cover is broken but the light still works fine.
5. 184,000 miles.
6. Power steering fluid has a leak and you need to check it every couple of months. There is a slight oil leak but it has absolutely no effect.

1. Brand-new Sony CD/mp3 stereo with JBL 3-way speakers. The stereo alone is worth what I'm asking for the car.
2. Plenty of tread left on the tires, alloy wheels, and there's even one hubcap left. WEAR IT WITH PRIDE.
3. The brakes were just redone and if you look at the maintenance history, all she needs is a satellite dish and a hot tub.
4. Woody Allen called me and asked to use it instead of the VW in an updated version of Sleeper.

Yes; $2500 is more than bluebook, but she is worth every penny. If you buy anything else, say adios to your budget for the next three years. Seriously; I needed dependable transportation for a year and she never failed. Feel free to email me or call (602) 228-1998. See more photos here

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I will giving a social media seminar on social media for the grassroots

FREE to Arizona Legislators, all others $25 includes lunch
$25.00 for campaign social media activists/volunteers/staff
9am - 4:30pm
Learn from Alice Linahan, Voices Empower who was inside the Santorum social media network the strategy of energizing the base; Lisa Benson will be presenting BUNDLING THE GRASSROOTS FUNDRAISING PLAN -a trademarked platform. We will be formatting Twitter, Facebook and the integration of the systems on smart phones, lap tops and IPADS. Raise $$$$ and mobilize like it is 2012 and not 1973.
RVSP IS NECESSARY BY MAY 17TH ~ 602-790-6418 or on Facebook


The global banking giant HSBC is a “criminal” operation, charges a former officer for the company’s southern New York region in a video interview with WND. John Cruz, a former vice president and relationship manager, has turned over to WND more than 1,000 pages of documents, including customer account ledgers for dozens of companies through which, he charges, the financial institution was laundering money each month. “I pulled these documents because I thought they were evidence of suspicious activity taking place,” Cruz affirmed when presented by WND with various HSBC computer ledgers of customer accounts. “These same documents I brought to bank security and my managers in the bank.” To his surprise, HSBC management and security did not welcome his reports of suspicious activity. “My managers told me I was crazy and I didn’t know what I was talking about,” he said. “They told me it was none of my business what goes on in transactions. But that’s my job.”

Read the rest of the article at Worldnetdaily

The Alexander Bankruptcy Law Firm provides low low cost Chapter 7 and 13 personal bankruptcies. $995 Chapter 7 or $2500 Chapter 13 bankruptcies plus court filing fee. Free consultation with a compassionate attorney who will handle your case personally. Call 24/7, available to meet with you around your schedule. 602-910-6812. Conveniently located in Central Phoenix along the Camelback corridor.

Mormon Doctrine Leads to Socialism?

Now that Mitt Romney is the presumptive Republican nominee for president, the left is increasing its attacks on his Mormon religion, hoping to distract voters into focusing on perceived negatives about Mormonism. The latest attack is shrewdly done. Instead of directly attacking Mormonism, which could look bad, the left is claiming that Mormonism is really socialist.
Last month, the far left website Salon ran an article entitled, “When Mormons Were Socialists.” It relied completely upon a deliberate misinterpretation of a few verses in the Book of Mormon. The author claimed that Mormon doctrine about events in the first century A.D. advocated for socialism. He declared that in the Third Book of Nephi, God punished a city because “the government disregarded the sick and poor.” Tellingly, the Salon article did not indicate where in the Book of Mormon the verses it relies upon are located, because they do not exist. At no time did the Nephite government ever give even a tiny amount of assistance to the poor.
The Book of Mormon is heavily critical of excessive government taxation. Wicked King Noah was criticized for taxing his people mercilessly to fund his extravagant building plan. Like the Bible, which Mormons follow, the Book of Mormon teaches the principle of asking others – not the government – to help the poor.
The Third Book of Nephi is about a city that was punished by God for greed, immorality and turning away from God. It is similar to Bible stories about God punishing the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and the king of Babylon.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Governor Jeb Bush Endorses Matt Salmon

Former Congressman and candidate for Arizona's 5th congressional district Matt Salmon today announced the endorsement of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush.
"Matt is a proven conservative leader. During his previous terms in Congress he displayed the courage and determination to tell leadership 'no' when it came to reckless government spending, higher deficits and job-killing regulations. He has the backbone and the principles to take on special interests and the failed liberal policies that have gotten us in such a mess."
Salmon for Congress
- Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida 1999-2007
Former Congressman Salmon stated, "Governor Jeb Bush is one of our nation's most accomplished and extraordinary public servants of the past decade. I am extremely honored to receive his support for my campaign. Each day my campaign continues to gain momentum and I am grateful that Governor Bush and so many others believe in my leadership abilities and my message of restoring fiscal responsibility and accountability to Congress."
Learn More
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Salmon for Congress