Wednesday, February 25, 2015

This Monday: Are Bans on 3D Gun Printing Constitutional?

Phoenix Federalist Society
& the University of Advancing Technology
are teaming up to bring you an engaging and in-depth discussion regarding the constitutionality of bans on 3D gun printing.  Law professor Josh Blackman believes that these bans violate both the First and Second Amendments, and will join us to discuss the issue.  FBI Special Agent Martin Hellmer will provide commentary from the perspective of federal law enforcement, and UAT faculty will also participate.  Following the speakers, there will be time for questions and the opportunity to see a 3D printing demonstration.
General admission is FREE and 1 credit of legal CLE* will be offered for $10.
UAT students: please select the UAT Student ticke;postID=5102704733104445441t when registering.
*For those selecting CLE, materials will be distributed via email prior to the event. 
The event will be held in the UAT Theater, just inside the South Entrance.  Please park in the East lot. Doors open at 4 PM.
Have questions about Are Bans on 3D Gun Printing Constitutional?? Contact Phoenix Federalist Society Lawyers' Chapter 

Monday, February 23, 2015

School Choice Metamorphoses From Vouchers to Savings Accounts

Students at Benchmark Preschool and Elementary School in Phoenix
If you haven’t paid close attention to the school choice movement over the past 10 years, you might not realize how much it has changed. Due to lawsuits and other limitations, innovators have figured out that tuition scholarships, also known as education savings accounts, are more effective than vouchers for giving families a choice of schools. The difference is parents are given much broader control over how to use the money. Instead of just transferring the public school money that would have been spent on a child to a few select schools, parents can choose to spend it in many ways, including for school books, tutoring, or P.E. at a traditional school.

Arizona is the leading state in the country for school choice. But a court in Arizona ruled that directing vouchers to religious (parochial) schools is unconstitutional. Undaunted, proponents of school choice found a way around it by setting up ESAs, where parents direct the money instead of the state. Now other states around the country are scrambling to pass similar legislation.

Last weekend, I attended a school choice conference in Phoenix put on by the Franklin Center. It is one small group taking on powerful teachers unions through the spread of knowledge. The establishment uses fear mongering and false information to retain the status quo. The threat that schools will run out of funding? That’s not accurate, The Goldwater Institute’s Education Director Jonathan Butcher explained at the conference. The establishment waits for an event that sort of looks like funding might have been cut, then sends out an alarming message. In reality, money for education in Arizona has never been cut and now takes up an incredible 45 percent of the state’s budget. Butcher contrasts it with the cost of Sears catalog products years ago versus today – unlike typical commodities, the cost of education has gone in the opposite direction and we now pay more for less.

Read the rest of the article at Townhall

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

AZ legislative committee to hear bill on Wednesday to eliminate the mandatory State Bar in Arizona

You've all heard about the horrendous abuses committed by the State Bar of Arizona. It's finally time to do something about it. Only half of the states have a mandatory State Bar - why is conservative Arizona one of them? We are a right to work state, why are attorneys required to be a member of this attorneys union in order to practice law? It is run by left-wing lawyers who abuse their power and the mandatory dues of attorneys to target conservative attorneys and push through radical agendas. Conservative attorneys are terrified to get involved in politics or speak up out of fear of retaliation.

The Goldwater Institute has asked a federal court to strike down mandatory bar associations; a case was filed earlier this month over abuses by a State Bar, which I wrote about here, along with details about all the money the Arizona Bar has taken from its members, almost the highest in the country. 

Fortunately, several Arizona legislators have had enough of these abuses and are finally going to do something about it with HB2629. Membership in the State Bar would become optional, and the disciplinary function would be transferred back to the state Supreme Court.

Please attend the House Judiciary hearing Wednesday and sign up to testify. The State Bar with its deep pockets from members will no doubt have the meeting stacked with its representatives. This is the first big hurdle we need to get through, get the bill out of the Judiciary committee.

If you cannot attend, you can watch the proceedings live and call or email the members of the committee, below. Contact info for them is here. For more information, contact Citizens for Clean Courts at

Mr. Friese Mr. Kern Mr. Borrelli, Vice-Chairman Mr. Hale Mr. Mesnard Mr. Farnsworth E, Chairman


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The politicians want $30 BIL of your money for trains that operate in the red; nothing for police

The politicians want $30 BIL of
your money for trains


When you first elected me, you knew I would be your advocate on the phoenix city council exposing government waste and promoting fiscal responsibility. That has always meant being vigilant on issues that affect our wallets, our quality of life and our personal safety.

If there was ever a time to sound the alarm, it is now!

Shortly, Mayor Stanton and the Council will be taking $30 BILLION dollars of your hard earned money to pay for a massive public transportation system that is already operating in the red.

The reality is that it is too inefficient requiring taxpayers to fund about 80% of the system.  Yes, it only recovers about 20% while you and your family subsidize the rest! 

If we don't act to stop this now, the Mayor and a slim majority on the council will ramp up another slick political campaign to persuade you to spend $30 BILLION over the next three decades - spending not just paid for by you, but by your children and grandchildren!

In the days ahead, we need to prepare and mobilize against what will be the single most largest spending spree in Phoenix history! We must do everything we can as taxpayers to slow or even derail this runaway train from its tracks. 

Please call the Mayor and other members of the Council and ask them to reject the recommendation by the Citizen’s Committee on the Future of Phoenix Transportation. We simply cannot afford spending our money and our children's money on a system that is unsustainable.

Follow me on Facebook, Twitter and now Instagram.

From my family to yours,

Sal DiCiccio
Phoenix City Council
District 6

Nine legislators sponsor HB2629 to reform the Arizona State Bar and make it voluntary

I am very excited to see this bill proposed in the Arizona state legislature finally, it has taken a lot of hard work to get it there by many principled patriots behind the scenes, and kudos to the state legislators who have already jumped onboard. I've been writing about State Bar abuses more and more lately, including covering the lawsuit filed last week by the Goldwater Institute against the North Dakota bar, which also requested the court declare that mandatory bar associations are unconstitutional. They are simply nothing more than unions for attorneys, controlled by the left, and here in Arizona mandatory unions violate the right to work in our state Constitution. Please consider getting involved to make sure this important legislation passes by contacting Citizens for Clean Courts at

Citizens for Clean Courts:
Please share this bill by Rep. Kern and contact your representatives and senators to  support.  There will be a big push back from the courts and state bar as their $13 million budget and control center is at stake.  Arizona is one of if not the only state with a right to work constitutional provision so the idea that the right to regulate the practice of law can trump that specific right when 20 other states have voluntary bars is unsupported. We believe the State Bar of Arizona is the force that has allowed corruption to exist and this is the first step in citizens taking back control.   Here is page for contact information.

Wes Harris:
Arizona has one of the most corrupt judicial systems in this entire country...not as bad as the DOJ but close.  Rep. Anthony Kern recognizes this and has introduced the attached bill that will cut out the Court's 'enforcer' known as the State Bar Association.  At present all lawyers are required to be a member of this Gild (union) which is illegal in Arizona as we are a right to work state.  Our state constitution provides that the State Supreme Court has the responsibility currently assigned by them to the State Bar...we want it back where it belongs so that all actions taken by the court regarding attorney sanctions will be public record.   Please tell you State Legislators to support this bill.

REFERENCE TITLE: supreme court; attorney licensing

State of Arizona
House of Representatives
Fifty-second Legislature
First Regular Session

HB 2629

Introduced by
Representatives Kern, Townsend, Senator Burges: Representatives Allen J, Finchem, Lawrence, Mitchell, Petersen, Senator Ward




Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:
Section 1.  Title 12, chapter 1, article 1, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 12-119.06, to read:
12-119.06.  Attorney licenses; rules

Monday, February 9, 2015

Goldwater Institute Sues: State Bars are Unconstitutional Mandatory Unions

State bars are acquiring a chilling reputation for misusing the dues of attorneys forced to join them, including using those dues to target conservative attorneys. Right-leaning attorneys are frequently disbarred and disciplined for actions completely unrelated to the practice of law, a gross overreach of power. Oddly, even though there is no realistic difference between state bars and unions, the former still exist in a mandatory capacity in over half the states - including right-to-work states.

Loaded with money confiscated from mandatory dues, these powerful unions are constantly expanding their reach and authority through political activism and lobbying. Controlled by Democrats, the money always goes to promote left-wing causes. Although the Arizona State Bar already had the third highest bar dues in the country, last year its board of governors voted to increase dues by another 13 percent, to $520 annually by 2019 – which doesn’t even include the cost of 15 hours of mandatory continuing legal education. Inactive attorneys are charged $265 annually, the highest in the nation and more than some active attorneys in other states.

Political activity by mandatory bars is illegal and violates the U.S. Constitution. In the 1990 Supreme Court case Keller v. State Bar of California, the court held that attorneys who are required to be members of a state bar have a First Amendment right to refrain from subsidizing the organization’s political activities. Incredibly, state bars have ignored the Keller decision, no doubt because not only do they have virtually unlimited resources at their disposal with members’ dues money to fight any challenges, but what attorneys dare to sue the bar that controls their fate as an attorney? 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

North Dakota Bar Sued by Goldwater Institute for Lobbying Against Shared Parenting Using Members’ Mandatory Dues

I'm excited to have had a very small role (networking) in this. The North Dakota State Bar used members' mandatory dues to lobby against a Shared Parenting initiative, which narrowly lost. Leading Women For Shared Parenting got involved and discovered the misappropriation, then the Goldwater Institute - thank you Clint Bolick and attorneys - sued the Bar yesterday. Just one more reason why State Bars should not be mandatory, they are controlled by leftists who abuse the system and target conservatives. This article from The Bismarck Tribune is priceless, as one of the folks from LW4SP noticed:
So the director of the ND Bar get served for, amongst other things, improper lobbying.
In the news coverage of his being served, he says he hasn't studied it yet, because he was served as he was at the Capitol bldg....
wait for it.....
My favorite line was:
"McDonald said the bar's decision to finance the opposition to Measure 6 was driven by the recommendation of bar members who specialize in family law "that this was an issue that would fundamentally affect the practice of family law in North Dakota."
THIS is supposed to be a justification for the spending of mandatory bar dues on the regulation of attorneys?

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Chairman Robert Graham Presents Awards to Outstanding Republicans

Annual Awards Dinner Brings Republicans Together
for Recognition and Honor of Grassroots Volunteers

Dan Grimm Receives Senator Barry Goldwater Award
Dan's hard work and dedication to all things Republican earned him the state party's top award this year. Dan's many years of volunteering for so many critical roles in the party (you can't get anywhere without credentials!) has earned him the well-deserved trust and respect of party members throughout Arizona. Congratulations!
Lolly Hathhorn Honored with Dodie Londen Award
Lolly has been headquartered in Payson but has been getting the job done throughout Gila County and the San Carlos Apache Reservation. Her enthusiasm and heritage as a half Cherokee helped her connect and have an immediate effect wherever she went. Whether it was managing the phone banks or recruiting volunteers, Lolly has been a pleasure to work with and is a great asset for us all going into the 2016 election cycle. Wonderful!
AZGOP Treasurer Earns Lifetime Achievement Award
Timothy has served eight years as AZGOP Treasurer and has done a highly professional job keeping the party's finances and campaign committee compliance on track. As a volunteer he's been a vital player in both the day-to-day and long-term needs of our state party, and everyone knows he's always willing and able to help. Marvelous!
Barry Wong Honored for Exceptional Dedication and Service
Barry's leadership of the party's Asian American Coalition brought together Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, Taiwanese and Bangladeshi community leaders to help the party expand our reach, exposure and membership base. Barry's selflessness and skills are greatly appreciated and his experience as an elected Republican official has helped the party appeal to more and more voters. Excellent!
Politics on the Rocks Takes Home Cutting Edge Award
The Republican platform appeals to every generation, and the leaders at Politics on the Rocks are a big part of bringing young professionals into our party with well-attended events, prominent speakers, and lots of fun. Visit their website to find out about their latest events throughout Arizona. You guys are killing it!
Kathryn Hancock Awarded Outstanding County Party Worker
Kathryn worked at GOP voter registration booths at county fairs and other local events, always helping to get the Republican message out. She made phone calls and sent emails to update friends, family, neighbors and others about the importance of voting and getting involved in helping elect Republican candidates. Kathryn is a true patriot, and we are so happy to recognize her numerous contributions. Fantastic!

Pat O'Malley Lands Outstanding District Party Worker Award
Pat became treasurer of LD12 and has done a fabulous job keeping flawless records. He has not only made calls, walked his own precinct and collected petition signatures for our candidates, he walked in CD9 in both 2012 and 2014. He is well-known as a trusted mentor to new PC's in the district, and he's engaged, diligent, and respected. Outstanding!
Marcus Huey Secures Outstanding State Party Worker Award
This past year it seems Marcus was everywhere -- working day and night donating his time and money to help worthy candidates and causes, both state and local. Not only has Marcus been a leader, more importantly he is a doer! Marcus worked a gigantic numbers of hours, stuffing envelopes, delivering flyers, making phone calls, doing precinct walks, pounding signs and much more. Awesome!

Gila County GOP Garners Oustanding County Committee Award
Chairman Gary Morris accepted the award on behalf of the Gila County Republican Committee, which raised thousands of dollars to help to Republican candidates. GCRC implemented teleconferencing for volunteers, voter database training, door hangers, precinct walks and phone banks to prepare for the campaign season. GCRC also opened two headquarters in Globe and Payson, with the Globe office open year-round. Great job!
Legislative District 2 Bags Outstanding District Award
Democrats, and even some Republicans, were shocked to see a longstanding Democrat legislative seat get turned over to the GOP's Chris Ackerley despite significant voter registration disadvantage. Daniel Estrella came very close to winning, and that's why they are this year's best district. Special thanks to Chairman Sergio Arellano for his support, strategizing and delivering victory! Inspiring!

Katherine Bean Nabs Rookie of the Year Award
If there is a Republican activity, Katherine can be found in attendance supporting candidates, learning about issues, and often bringing others with her. She is an example of a new PC who dedicates time to learn her duties, asks good questions, and then puts into practice what she learns in order to be a more effective citizen and representative of her precinct and of LD26. Terrific!
Pebble Creek Republican Club Awarded State's Best Club
This is one amazing Republican club, with a 40 percent increase in membership over last year. Members enjoyed roundtables with candidates, a new website and updated social media communications, membership handbook, social and educational events with guest speakers, and club members even did charitable work to help 143 of Luke AFB's deployed troops. Magnificent!