Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The politicians want $30 BIL of your money for trains that operate in the red; nothing for police

The politicians want $30 BIL of
your money for trains


When you first elected me, you knew I would be your advocate on the phoenix city council exposing government waste and promoting fiscal responsibility. That has always meant being vigilant on issues that affect our wallets, our quality of life and our personal safety.

If there was ever a time to sound the alarm, it is now!

Shortly, Mayor Stanton and the Council will be taking $30 BILLION dollars of your hard earned money to pay for a massive public transportation system that is already operating in the red.

The reality is that it is too inefficient requiring taxpayers to fund about 80% of the system.  Yes, it only recovers about 20% while you and your family subsidize the rest! 

If we don't act to stop this now, the Mayor and a slim majority on the council will ramp up another slick political campaign to persuade you to spend $30 BILLION over the next three decades - spending not just paid for by you, but by your children and grandchildren!

In the days ahead, we need to prepare and mobilize against what will be the single most largest spending spree in Phoenix history! We must do everything we can as taxpayers to slow or even derail this runaway train from its tracks. 

Please call the Mayor and other members of the Council and ask them to reject the recommendation by the Citizen’s Committee on the Future of Phoenix Transportation. We simply cannot afford spending our money and our children's money on a system that is unsustainable.

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From my family to yours,

Sal DiCiccio
Phoenix City Council
District 6

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