Dear Friends:
When Congressman John Shadegg announced that he would not seek reelection in Arizona’s 3rd Congressional District, I was asked by many people if I would consider running for the seat.
As we’ve seen throughout our community and the country over the last several months, changing the direction of liberal Washington doesn’t happen alone. I prayed about it. And, I quickly took to the task of consulting with family, friends, supporters, donors, political professionals and especially those who have dedicated much of their lives to issues that are most important to me -- fighting taxes, smaller government, creating jobs, Second Amendment rights, the right-to-life, and securing our borders in a meaningful way.
With the support and encouragement of those I consulted, I made the decision to run and haven’t looked back. Since that time, I’ve grown increasingly angry and disappointed about what’s happening in Washington. But, I’ve also grown excited and energized by the God-fearing, freedom-loving Arizonans and Americans who are committed to reminding Washington that we do not work for them, they work for us -- the People. I was completely overwhelmed with enthusiasm this weekend when I spoke before 1300 people committed to changing America at the Joint Carefree/Cave Creek Tea Party meeting on Saturday. And, I’ve been so touched that so many people have worked with our campaign and committed their time, their prayers and their money to working together to take a stand against what we’re having imposed upon us from Washington.
It was also clear to me that if I was willing engage in this serious effort to take back our country from the extremists in Washington, I should expect to spend a majority of my time raising money to allow us to communicate our message of individual liberty, lower taxes, smaller government, no government-controlled health care and the right to life (and ABSOLUTELY no federally-funded abortions).
As you might guess, raising money is not always a pleasant task. It’s particularly difficult when I recognize the state of our economy and how so many of us, our families, friends and neighbors are trying to survive with less. I’m a lot more comfortable lending a hand to help someone else rather than ask for help myself.
Whenever, I get deterred from staying on this fundraising task, I remind myself of something very important that I am going to remind you right now. Organized labor, liberal Hollywood activists, the trial attorneys, radical environmentalists, pro-abortion activists and liberal special interest groups that want to keep spending our tax dollars on their special interest programs WILL literally spend HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS trying to shut us up, defeat us and impose their values on all of us. I’ve had enough of it. I hope you’ve had enough of it too and are ready to help us.
We need your financial contribution TODAY to successfully and effectively deliver our conservative message to the voters. If you are unhappy with the health care reform imposed upon us by President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, please consider doing something about it TODAY by visiting Because the FEC reporting period ends Wednesday, March 31st, it would be most helpful if you could make a contribution to my campaign now. We'd like to show a healthy number of donors (of all sizes - any amount is helpful), but we need your help to do that. Also, please consider forwarding this email to your own contacts who care about sending a solid conservative to Washington who won't back down when the pressure is on.
If you want to be part of the solution and part of the effort to send a message to our liberal leaders in Washington that you have had enough, I am asking you to please do three specific things: First, visit our campaign website at and click “Contribute” TODAY and make a donation that sends a message to Washington that we will fight what you’re doing. Second, click “Volunteer” and sign up to help in any way you can with the campaign. And third, please forward the link to our to your friends and ask them to please consider doing the same.
It is impossible to run a credible campaign against the President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid without the resources necessary to deliver our message to voters. Any amount you can contribute today will be a great help. Even if you can only contribute a small amount right now, it is appreciated and important because we need to let them know that we truly are a grassroots effort that is committed to making a difference. I’d rather win with thousands of $25 or $50 donations from thousands of people committed to change, than the $2400 donations of a select few. But I’ll be honest, I’m working for both of those things to help take back our nation.
Thank you for staying with me through this appeal and thank you for your support and encouragement. And I sincerely thank you for visiting and making a donation to Pamela Gorman for Congress today.

Pamela Gorman
When Congressman John Shadegg announced that he would not seek reelection in Arizona’s 3rd Congressional District, I was asked by many people if I would consider running for the seat.
As we’ve seen throughout our community and the country over the last several months, changing the direction of liberal Washington doesn’t happen alone. I prayed about it. And, I quickly took to the task of consulting with family, friends, supporters, donors, political professionals and especially those who have dedicated much of their lives to issues that are most important to me -- fighting taxes, smaller government, creating jobs, Second Amendment rights, the right-to-life, and securing our borders in a meaningful way.
With the support and encouragement of those I consulted, I made the decision to run and haven’t looked back. Since that time, I’ve grown increasingly angry and disappointed about what’s happening in Washington. But, I’ve also grown excited and energized by the God-fearing, freedom-loving Arizonans and Americans who are committed to reminding Washington that we do not work for them, they work for us -- the People. I was completely overwhelmed with enthusiasm this weekend when I spoke before 1300 people committed to changing America at the Joint Carefree/Cave Creek Tea Party meeting on Saturday. And, I’ve been so touched that so many people have worked with our campaign and committed their time, their prayers and their money to working together to take a stand against what we’re having imposed upon us from Washington.
It was also clear to me that if I was willing engage in this serious effort to take back our country from the extremists in Washington, I should expect to spend a majority of my time raising money to allow us to communicate our message of individual liberty, lower taxes, smaller government, no government-controlled health care and the right to life (and ABSOLUTELY no federally-funded abortions).
As you might guess, raising money is not always a pleasant task. It’s particularly difficult when I recognize the state of our economy and how so many of us, our families, friends and neighbors are trying to survive with less. I’m a lot more comfortable lending a hand to help someone else rather than ask for help myself.
Whenever, I get deterred from staying on this fundraising task, I remind myself of something very important that I am going to remind you right now. Organized labor, liberal Hollywood activists, the trial attorneys, radical environmentalists, pro-abortion activists and liberal special interest groups that want to keep spending our tax dollars on their special interest programs WILL literally spend HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS trying to shut us up, defeat us and impose their values on all of us. I’ve had enough of it. I hope you’ve had enough of it too and are ready to help us.
We need your financial contribution TODAY to successfully and effectively deliver our conservative message to the voters. If you are unhappy with the health care reform imposed upon us by President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, please consider doing something about it TODAY by visiting Because the FEC reporting period ends Wednesday, March 31st, it would be most helpful if you could make a contribution to my campaign now. We'd like to show a healthy number of donors (of all sizes - any amount is helpful), but we need your help to do that. Also, please consider forwarding this email to your own contacts who care about sending a solid conservative to Washington who won't back down when the pressure is on.
If you want to be part of the solution and part of the effort to send a message to our liberal leaders in Washington that you have had enough, I am asking you to please do three specific things: First, visit our campaign website at and click “Contribute” TODAY and make a donation that sends a message to Washington that we will fight what you’re doing. Second, click “Volunteer” and sign up to help in any way you can with the campaign. And third, please forward the link to our to your friends and ask them to please consider doing the same.
It is impossible to run a credible campaign against the President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid without the resources necessary to deliver our message to voters. Any amount you can contribute today will be a great help. Even if you can only contribute a small amount right now, it is appreciated and important because we need to let them know that we truly are a grassroots effort that is committed to making a difference. I’d rather win with thousands of $25 or $50 donations from thousands of people committed to change, than the $2400 donations of a select few. But I’ll be honest, I’m working for both of those things to help take back our nation.
Thank you for staying with me through this appeal and thank you for your support and encouragement. And I sincerely thank you for visiting and making a donation to Pamela Gorman for Congress today.
Pamela Gorman
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