Tuesday, March 2, 2010

AFP: Giant ATM Cash Machine Coming to a Street Corner Near You


Dear Arizona Taxpayer:
The Arizona chapter of Americans for Prosperity is about to launch a statewide ATM Tour.
ATM stands for “Already Taxed to the Max !”
The centerpiece of the March tour is our gigantic inflatable ATM machine, and our message for Arizona politicians is that they should stop treating taxpayers like an ATM machine whenever government spends too much money and gets short on cash. For each event, we will invite local taxpayers, business leaders, candidates, and legislators to speak out against the BILLION-DOLLAR SALES TAX HIKE that will be on the May 18 ballot.
To see a photo of the ATM, go here: http://www.americansforprosperity.org/022510-three-big-taxpayer-events-scottsdale
(Or go to www.aztaxpayers.org, and scroll down under What’s New.)
Our first ATM event will be outside of Scottsdale City Hall for the rally against the Bed Tax on Tuesday afternoon, March 2:
Event: Rally Against the Prop 200 Bed Tax
City: Scottsdale
Date: Tuesday, March 2
Time: 4:30 to 5:30 pm
Hosts: AFP Arizona, Tea Party Patriots of Scottsdale, Stop the Tax – NO on 200
Media Inquiries:
ATM Campaign, Tom Jenney, AFP Arizona, (602) 478-0146 Scottsdale Bed Tax, Ryan O’Daniel, Stop the Tax, (480) 941-0781, Protest Info: Among other fun things, AFP Arizona will deploy its giant ATM machine, to make the point that the people of Scottsdale are Already Taxed to the Max. We are encouraging the people of Scottsdale to vote NO on the Prop 200 Bed Tax.
More info on the Bed Tax:http://www.goldwaterinstitute.org/article/4423
Bring the ATM Machine to a Street Corner Near YOU: Please write to us soon at tjenney@afphq.org and let us know if there is a busy intersection near you that would be good for a visit from the ATM Machine during a morning or evening rush hour in the month of March. We need to make sure there is enough space in the public right-of-way for the ATM Machine. Even better would be a private parking lot—it must be owned by a sympathetic local business!—right next to a busy street or intersection.
We regularly update our statewide taxpayer events list at www.aztaxpayers.org. Scroll down to the top items under What’s New.

Tom Jenney
Arizona Director
Americans for Prosperity
(Arizona Federation of Taxpayers)
www.aztaxpayers.org tjenney@afphq.org
(602) 478-0146

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