Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ward Connerly Addresses Prop 107 At Republican Women of Prescott Meeting

Click here to read about the initiative as discussed with the Republican Women of Prescott, and watch video clips of Ward speaking to the group. The article quotes far left legislator Kyrsten Sinema, who claims that affirmative action does not exist in Arizona. This is inaccurate.

FACT: This would be laughable if it wasn’t serious. Proponents of race preferences first lay out all the reasons (even if they may be untrue and/or invalid reasons) as to why they believe “affirmative action” policies that give preference based on race are still necessary today and then are quoted as saying the policies don’t exist. If that’s the case, then why fight to be able to keep discriminatory policies in place? This myth shows that the opposition is disingenuous and will say and do anything to further their agenda. 

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