Monday, September 20, 2010

Schweikert for Congress: Urgent: $65,000 in 72-Hours…

The Pelosi liberals in Arizona are spinning a web of lies… They will say ANYTHING to save their Washington power.
As if ObamaCare, the Wall Street bailouts, the take-over of GM, card check and the failed stimulus program weren’t enough. They want more… more government, higher taxes, and more job-crippling regulations.
Obama, Pelosi, and Congressman Mitchell just don’t get it.
We can beat Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama, right here… right now!
That is why TODAY - - more than ever - - we need to send the message to Obama and Pelosi that WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE THEIR FAR LEFT AGENDA!
From Washington to Arizona, we are sending Congressman Mitchell packing. That means TODAY, David Schweikert URGENTLY needs your support. Your contribution between $2 and $2,400 will mean that we can counter his attacks.
Just this morning, Congressman Mitchell dumped $200,000 into a TV ad intended to distract the voters of Arizona. He is running from his liberal record, stealing signs, pretending he is a Republican in his stump speech… ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
Congressman Mitchell is on the ropes. He can’t win by telling voters what he’s done in Washington. They will boo him off stage like they’ve been doing for months. Our economy is a mess and now Mitchell’s failed reelection campaign is lashing out in desperation.
You and I have the opportunity to win.
We can take on Mitchell’s deep pockets.
But we can only win with the resources to fight for jobs and hold Mitchell accountable.
David Schweikert needs you to join him in the fight against the big government liberals that are driving our economy off the cliff.
We need proven fiscal leadership to right the course, and that means your support today is URGENTLY NEEDED. Please give TODAY.
This is a fight we can win, with your support.
Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi are looking everywhere for an enemy to blame. They tell Europe that America is wrong, they apologize for our freedoms, and they have pushed an agenda for America that has FAILED and COST US JOBS AND A LIVELIHOOD FOR OUR FAMILIES.
America deserves better, and that is why David Schweikert needs your support today.
Again, please give! We need to raise $65,000 in the next 72 hours to take on Mitchell’s negative attacks.
We must fight this fight because we can win in Arizona.
Can David Schweikert count on your support to trounce his liberal opponent?
Please join us...

Monday, September 20th - 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Join Hugh Hewitt
with Republican candidates David Schweikert,
Dr. Paul Gosar and Jesse Kelly

at the Arizona GOP Headquarters
3501 North 24th St, Phoenix

$50 per person / $150 with photo
$250 per couple (with photo)

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