Sunday, September 19, 2010

Harry Mitchell ad features all Republicans, desperately doesn't want you to know he's a Democrat

What an odd TV ad for a Democrat. It is composed of testimonials from Republicans discussing why they are going to vote for Harry Mitchell. Nowhere is there any mention of Mitchell being a Democrat, or of his record which consists of the Democrat bills he's voted for - Obamacare, some of the billion dollar TARP pork bailouts, card check, etc. - instead he's pretending to be a fake Republican. Which is understandable, Republican David Schweikert is leading him by 12 points in polling, and early ballots are only two weeks away. Mitchell is desperately trying to fool the voters into thinking he is more like a Republican than the Democrats he votes with, but it won't work. The national Democrats and unions have given up this race and aren't going to spend any money on it. Schweikert is predicted to win by a healthy margin.

1 comment:

d-day said...

Plus, the only Republicans Harry could find to support him only support him because of they like the big-spending projects that Harry supports. Hardly what you call mainstream Republicanism.