The Obama administration’s idea of a rogue state is Arizona.
Today we learn that the UFCW union has come to its senses and renounced the economic boycott of our state it has led while financially backing Congressman Mitchell’s campaign efforts. They have done harm to our community, and it defies good judgment… but that’s just it, Congressman Mitchell’s voting record has been a treasure trove of bad judgment!
Congressman Harry Mitchell has been bought and paid for by unions like UFCW to the tune of over half a million dollars.
Washington liberals like Congressman Mitchell have betrayed workers, seniors, taxpayers, and they’ve abandoned the Constitution. The liberal rank-and-file have picked a fight with Arizona.
Now that’s exactly what we’re going to give it to them!
Replacing Congressman Mitchell is crucial to turning this economy around and that won’t happen until union-owned Congressmen like Mitchell are defeated.
Congressman Mitchell’s allegiance to liberal labor unions has no limits. He sponsored card check legislation putting union bosses before an individual’s right to a secret ballot.
He handed the car companies over to the unions.
His record in Congress, carrying the water of unions like UFCW, has hurt our economy and cost us jobs.
Congressman Mitchell hasn’t wasted a single chance to sell our government to big labor.
Join David Schweikert TODAY and stand up for Arizona, stand up for America, and let’s defend the Constitution and fight for our economic freedom.
Your incredible support has meant that our campaign has the resources to stay competitive. But we need to keep up the pressure to be able to fund the ads that help keep us on the path to victory.
The American people want jobs, they want a real economic recovery, and they want federal policies that remove barriers to economic prosperity.
Our ad goes dark in just a few hours.
I need your help to make sure we can keep it running strong.
Congressman Harry Mitchell has been a huge part of the problem in Washington.
He voted for ObamaCare (twice!), voted for the Wall Street bailouts, and voted for the Obama-Pelosi stimulus that has lost more jobs than it has produced.
With your support, I am confident that we can have still have a strong economic recovery.
If WE THE PEOPLE are going to save our country, and turn our economy around, we need to replace politicians like Congressman Mitchell who have squandered trillions of dollars and done nothing to strengthen our economy and bring about real jobs creation.
Let’s put the Democrats' job killing record behind us and unleash the entrepreneurial genius of the American people and elect true fiscal leaders to Washington who will fight for our economic freedom.
Please join us...
Friday, October 1 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Keri Christian and
Ernie and Jennifer Gammons
cordially invite you to Keri's home for an
evening in support of David Schweikert for Congress
4922 E Monte Way, Phoenix
Please consider a minimum contribution of $50
Friday, October 8 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Cathy Horrell, Karen Garrett and Jan Sammons
invite you to join
Jan D'Atri in the kitchen for Food and Politics
8712 E Clubhouse Way, Scottsdale
Please consider a minimum contribution of $50
Friday, October 15 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Tom and Monique Sinyard
cordially invite you to their home for an
evening in support of David Schweikert for Congress
10235 N 99th Street, Scottsdale
Please consider a minimum contribution of $100
Friday, October 22 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Jerry & Marilyn Hayden
cordially invite you to their home for an
evening in support of David Schweikert for Congress
10306 E. Calle de las Brisas, Scottsdale
Please consider a minimum contribution of $250
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