Join us for food/fun/political merriment on Saturday, 9/11 at 5:00 PM at AJ’s Café located in the Crown Plaza San Marcos Golf Resort, One San Marcos Place, Chandler, Az. The cost is $21.86 per person for the prime rib buffet, soft beverage, gratuity and sales tax. Please send your RSVP to alicelara@hotmail.com or call 602-796-1038 . Afterwards we can walk across the street to enjoy the Chandler Symphony’s free Patriots Celebration concert www.chandlersymphony.org at 7:00 PM. ALRA’s own Rey Torres performs with the symphony.
ALRA member Tom Galvin will be co-hosting a new political talk radio show, “The Political Funhouse” starts today, September 7th and will air Tuesday and Friday night from 7-8PM on KFNX 1100 AM along with ALRA members to be Beth Hoel and Eric Wnuck. Wish Tom well at thomasgalvin@gmail.com. ALRA board member Alice Lara is scheduled as a guest tonight.
ALRA member Mike Gular LD District 16 Republican candidate for State Representative will be debating Ruben Gallego and Catherine Miranda tomorrow, Wednesday, 9/8 at 6:30 PM at the ASU Mercado, Room C145 on 502 E. Monroe Street, Phoenix. www.gularforazhouse.com
ALRA member Bob Thomas LD 15 Republican candidate for State Senate will debate AZ State Rep. Krysten Sinema on Thursday, 9/9 at 6PM at the Raddison Hotel, 3600 N. 2nd Ave. in Phoenix. www.voteBobThomas.org
ALRA Board member State Rep. Steve Montenegro will be one of the main speakers at the West Valley Republican Professionals Free Networking Event on Thursday, September 9th at the Skye Restaurant, 16844 N Arrowhead Fountain Center Drive, Peoria, AZ from 6-8PM. www.montenegroaz.com
Steve’s campaign is beginning to make phone calls and go neighborhood walking in LD. Interested volunteers please contact Melissa at Montenegro.mel@gmail.com
ALRA members Martin Chavez, Mr. & Mrs. Art Olivas, Marianne Gular and Alice Lara joined ALRA member Janet Contreras and her campaign Labor day weekend to walk LD 16 in her quest to defeat Congressman Ed Pastor. Interested volunteers please contact Annette McHugh at volunteers4janet@hotmail.com
ALRA member Sarah Coleman relayed this story about her husband ALRA Member Dan Coleman's primary win for JP in the South Mountain area.
ALRA member Sarah Coleman relayed this story about her husband ALRA Member Dan Coleman's primary win for JP in the South Mountain area.
We returned this weekend to find that nearly all of our campaign signs we put up before the primary (last Tuesday) had disappeared. Oddly enough Dan's opponent, Cody Williams (who was unchallenged in the last election), has brand new signs in all the same places that we had signs. If you'd like to help with a donation via Paypal on Dan's website www.votedancoleman.com or send check (made out to Vote Dan Coleman) to: Sarah Coleman, 2030 West Baseline Rd #182-148, Phoenix, Arizona 85041 Volunteers can contact sarahacoleman@ymail.com
Please refer people interested in ALRA to our FACEBOOK site while our website is re-birthed
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