Thursday, September 30, 2010

DCCC decides to spend only a piddly $60k helping Harry Mitchell against David Schweikert

Harry Mitchell is putting up a desperate fight trying to save his seat from David Schweikert, running TV ads falsely labeling Schweikert as a "vulture" for investing in foreclosed houses. Unfortunately, with early ballots being sent out in just one week, it's too late for Mitchell. The DCCC has decided to put only $60,000 into his race, which is just a drop in the bucket when it comes to buying TV ads in the pricey Phoenix/Scottsdale market. The AFL-CIO decided not to spend a dime on Arizona Congressional races this cycle. Whereas Schweikert has picked up additional support from independent expenditure committees like the 60 Plus Association, which are saturating the Phoenix/Scottsdale market with TV ads. He is also receiving support from the NRCC and Club for Growth. The NRCC's TV ads for Schweikert are about to start running in the Phoenix/Scottsdale market around the clock.  He recently passed $1 million raised. Internal polling has him leading Mitchell by as much as 12 points. Even Mitchell's own skewed internal polling only has him leading by three points.

Arizona voters are tired of Mitchell voting with Nancy Pelosi and Obama - he voted for Obamacare, billion dollar TARP bailouts, and cardcheck. He is part of the problem. He may end up losing by as much as double digits. 

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