The legislators' fundraiser for David Schweikert last night, held at the elegant home of Brendon Cothrun, Christine Ong and their labrador Ringo was a resounding success. Several legislators spoke about getting the economy back on track. David explained that since he is a numbers kind of guy, his favorite issues are taxes, spending, and regulations. He reminded everyone of what it was like when he was County Treasurer and instead of listening to him speak about the campaign, people would have to sit through an hour long discussion about property taxes (audible groans). On a serious note, he told the audience that due to the Democrats' out-of-control spending, everything you think you own is in peril right now. What happens when we raise interest rates? Spending increases to pay the debt. David predicted a good year to vote out big-spending incumbents. "It's a bad year for Democrats and big-spending Republicans. And I don't think Harry Mitchell has $90,000 in his freezer."

Celebrity Chef Jan D'Atri in the kitchen cooking great food
David speaking
House Majority Leader John McComish
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Gray
Representative John Kavanagh
Representative Bob Robson
Representative Nancy Barto
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