We need your contribution TODAY to let the rest of Arizona know what this ad exposes about John McCain.
The Club for Growth said McCain's record is "profoundly disturbing and anti-growth."
McCain voted against the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, voted for the $850 billion big bank bailout and voted for $150 billion in earmarks for wool producers, wooden arrow makers and rum distillers.
He even sponsored, championed and voted for a plan to give illegal aliens who would have been granted amnesty $2.6 trillion in retirement benefits.
That's why it's time for him to go. But without your most generous contribution TODAY, he will return to Washington for SIX more years. Six more years of reckless spending, flip-flopping, and fighting for amnesty for illegal aliens.
McCain has been in Congress for 28 years - that means he has been in Washington, D.C. through FIVE Presidential administrations. FIVE.
Washington has changed John McCain. We need to elect J.D. Hayworth to change Washington.
So, please enjoy the new web ad, and make your most generous contribution of $25, $50, or $100 TODAY to get this advertisement on television.
With your help today, we WILL win this!
P.S. Early voting starts in July with the Republican Primary on August 24th. Time is running out to raise money to get J.D.'s consistent conservative message to the voters. Please Donate Today!
If you have given in the past, THANK YOU, please consider doubling your previous contribution TODAY!
Please send checks to:
J.D. Hayworth 2010
P.O. Box 28604
Scottsdale, Arizona 85255 |
Paid for by JD HAYWORTH 2010, Inc. |
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