Friday, May 28, 2010

You're Fired!

What an incredible week, and it is only Thursday morning!
Team Schweikert continues to lead ahead:
  • $15,000 in less than 48-hours. Not only did you help us soar past double our Monday goal, but we’re sending a message that we’re going to WIN!
  • 30-plus volunteers in the campaign headquarters last night phone banking!
  • Over 1,000 yard signs across Arizona’s Fifth District, and that’s just a start - - after last night, we’re ready to deliver another 45 signs!
  • We’re knocking on more doors and walking more neighborhoods than I’ve ever seen before!
I am so proud of our volunteer team.
I am incredibly grateful for your continued interest and involvement in our winning campaign.
Harry Mitchell will be defeated.
We were so close to defeating Harry in 2008, in one of the most difficult years for Republicans. But this year will be different!
I have the battle plan to defeat Harry Mitchell this year.
I will defeat Harry Mitchell with your support.
As your Congressman, I will change the direction of our country that continues to head down the wrong path.
Never has the choice been clearer between the two parties.Higher taxes, more and more spending, unprecedented government expansion, corporate bailout hysteria, labor union give-aways, Obamacare, Cap and Trade, Card Check --- the list goes on.
With my leading record as a conservative reformer we can make the changes we need to get this country on the right track.
A secure border, less government spending, reducing the size of government bureaucracy, and strict ethics reform. I will attack the tax code to bring back America's competitiveness and entrepreneurial spirit once again.
I will defend the free enterprise system to its very core, and I will fight tooth-and-nail to bring common sense conservative principles to the forefront of the defining issues we face as a people.
This election will be one of the most critical fights in the country against the liberal onslaught and boondoggles from the left.
Harry Mitchell will not go-down without a fight, but I WILL DEFEAT HIM with your support.
Together, we will win this fight!
Together, we will tell Harry Mitchell: “You’re Fired!”
Please consider making a $25, $50, or even $250 donation TODAY.
Upcoming Events
Tom & Monique Sinyard
cordially invite you to their home
for a Wine & Cheese reception in support of
David Schweikert for Congress
Monday, May 31st - 5:30pm to 7:30pm
10235 North 99th Street, Scottsdale
Please consider a minimum donation of $25RSVP Now!

Join us at the Cothrun home
Please join David and Joyce at the home of Brendon Cothrun, Christine Ong and their labrador Ringo
Jan D'Atri will prepare some great food for us and we'll be discussing David's solutions to the issues facing our community, our state and our country.
Thursday, June 10th - 6.30pm - 8:30pm
7910 E. Chama Rd., ScottsdalePlease consider a minimum donation of $250RSVP Now!

Edward & Donna Horner 
and Ted Dudine
cordially invite you to their home for a 
BBQ Dinner in support of
David Schweikert for Congress
Friday, June 11th - 5.30pm - 8:00pm
9331 E. La Posada Court, ScottsdalePlease consider a minimum donation of $25RSVP Now!

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