Does he stand with Arizona? Or, does he stand with the Democratic Party leadership?
It is time for Harry to stand up against the far left's call to Boycott Arizona!
My campaign is rolling-out the Boycott Harry Money Bomb today, because we need your help to win. We're going to raise $6,000 by May 26th ---That’s this Wednesday.
Because this Wednesday is the nominating petition deadline. Team Schweikert has already filed the required number of signatures, but we’ll be going in on Wednesday with more than double our numbers.
We’re going to show Harry Mitchell that we’re circling the wagons to defeat him in November.
No more bailouts, no more pork. It’s time to defend our values and our borders. Arizona's 5th District needs a Congressman that will stand up against Obama, stand

National polls show that Americans understand and support Arizona's immigration law. They understand that the federal government has refused to enforce its own immigration laws, that Arizona had to step in to protect itself, and that SB 1070 enforces what was already federal law.
And where is Harry?
He's hiding behind the Democratic Party leadership, refusing to take a position except when authorized by Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama.
........This just in........
“Rep. Mitchell joins calls for Obama to send troops to US-Mexico border.”
“Rep. Mitchell joins calls for Obama to send troops to US-Mexico border.”

Lets send Obama, Pelosi, and Harry a message TODAY!
When you support my campaign with a $500, $250, $100, or even $25 donation, you're helping to deliver our winning message this cycle, and counter the Democratic attacks.
Can I count on your help to raise $6,000 by Wednesday? To donate by phone, please call my office at 480.302.4872.

P.S. After you’ve entered your donation, if you'll send a recommendation to ten friends, you can turn your $100 contribution into $1,000.

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