Saturday, October 16, 2010

Newt Gingrich & Michael Gallagher in Phoenix for Power of 10 Campaign rally

Tea Party Patriots of Scottsdale
Join Newt Gingrich
American Solutions
along with
Michael Gallagher
Conservative Talk show radio host
"Power of 10 Campaign"
Stops in Phoenix
GOTV Rally for Conservative Candidates

Thursday Oct. 21st
9 AM - 10 AM
Grand Canyon University
3300 W Camelback Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85017
For more information about the campaign and event here in Phoenix and to sign up for the event go to their website
Hope many of you will be able to attend

Tea Party Patriots of
Brought to you by the Tea Party Patriots of Scottsdale. To unsubscrible, remove subscription in your profile page, or email

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