Saturday, October 16, 2010

The myth of Harry Mitchell as a moderate

For Immediate Release – October 16, 2010
Contact: Oliver Schwab, Campaign Manager • 480.302.4872
Congressman Mitchell puts Big Government before our Community
The Myth of the Moderate, Unveiled
(Scottsdale, AZ) If there’s one thing that Congressman Harry Mitchell has proven throughout his years as a politician, and chairman of the state Democrat party, it is that he’s a “friend to big government.” He was given that title while serving in the Arizona legislature in 2005 by the Federation of Taxpayers.
Congressman Mitchell has personally sponsored or cosponsored legislation as our U.S. Representative increasing government spending by $63,000,000,000.
Rep. Mitchell has rubberstamped every big government piece of legislation from sponsoring card check, voting for ObamaCare, voting for the failed trillion-dollar stimulus that has not revived our economy, even voting to bailout Wall Street and the car companies. “This, among a litany of other far left votes, proves that Congressman Mitchell puts big government before our community and the free enterprise system.  His insistence that we punish the American people with more bad government that crowds out real growth is unconscionable,” said Schweikert campaign manager Oliver Schwab.
“By voting with party boss Nancy Pelosi almost 80 percent of the time, Mitchell has helped plunge the nation into debt and force Arizona families into a very tough job market amid big government that is anything but sustainable,” continued Schwab.
David Schweikert says that, "most Arizonans, like most Americans, understand that prosperity comes from the private sector, not from growing government. We cannot borrow-and-tax-and-spend our way to prosperity. It doesn't work."
“If elected, David Schweikert will focus on how we can create jobs in the private sector, the only sustainable source of job growth that our country has ever had,” said Schwab.
  • Mitchell pulls a bottom-scraping 25% on the free enterprise group Club for Growth RePORK card.
  • National Taxpayers Union gives Mitchell an overall “D” grade.
  • Congressman Mitchell has saddled every individual in Congressional District 5 with over $90,000 in liability for his big government spending programs – and that doesn’t include his earmark requests.
David Schweikert understands, "We can still have a very strong recovery. We can have the kind of prosperity that we would normally expect after a severe recession. We need to let loose the entrepreneurial genius of Arizonans and Americans, and we need to stop punishing free enterprise by raising taxes and growing government.”
On November 2nd, voters in our district have a very clear choice.
  • Congressman Mitchell has proven his agenda to be anything but moderate. He wants more big government, dependency, and debt.
  • David Schweikert will fight for limited government, lower taxes, and economic freedom to revive our economy and return broader prosperity to Arizona.
  • Mitchell increased the size of government and accelerated federal spending by $63 billion dollars according to the NTUF BillTally.
  • Mitchell voted for the $800 billion failed stimulus package (111th Congress, vote 70).
  • Mitchell voted for a government takeover of healthcare that slashed $500 billion from Medicare and could cost more than $1 trillion (111th Congress, vote 165, 167).
  • Mitchell votes with Pelosi almost 80% of the time (Source: Washington Post, accessed 10/15/10).

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