Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Congressman Franks Endorses Free-Market Alternative to Democrats' Health Care Proposal

For Immediate Release

Contact: Bethany Haley or Ben Carnes 202-225-4576

Franks Endorses Free-Market Alternative to Democrats'Health Care Proposal

July 14, 2009 - At a press conference today, Congressman Trent Franks (R - AZ) joined several of his Republican colleagues in endorsing Congressman John Shadegg's Improving Health Care for All Americans Act. Congressman Franks issued the following statement:

Ultimately, Republicans are not opposed to fixing the health care problem, regardless of what those who favor the Democrats' plan would have you believe. The issue is that Republicans want to do just that -- fix the problem -- and the Democrats' plan would only exacerbate Americans' current economic woes.

Democrats are traveling a well-worn path, espousing ideas that have been proven ineffective. The highway of history is littered with the wreckage of failed socialist ideas. Those who think health care is expensive now do not realize what it will cost when it's "free."

“Every American, regardless of health or financial status, should have access to affordable health care coverage of their choice, but people should own and control their health care plan, and it should be personal and portable. Individuals should have the ability to change their plan if they don't like it and keep it if it fits their needs.

The Improving Health Care for All Americans Act serves as a true alternative to a disastrous government takeover of the health care system."

Analysts have estimated that as many as 120 million Americans could lose their current insurance plans under the Democrats' proposed government takeover of health care.

In contrast, the Improving Health Care for All Americans Act seeks to use free-market principles to fix America's health caresystem. The bill would allow civil groups to create insurance pools, thereby providing additional choices for employees and allowing competition to force insurance prices down.

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