Wednesday, July 1, 2009

AZ Right to Life: Urgent plea for funds



As the oldest, strongest and largest pro-life organization in the state, Arizona Right to Life is the network hub of all pro-life activities throughout the state.

Due to the stifled economy, Arizona Right to Life is in dire need of funds to help continue our 39-year legacy of protecting innocent human life.

Arizona Right to Life is the only strictly pro-life state-wide organization with a qualified Political Action Committee, and our endorsements are highly sought after by candidates from across the state. We are the only organization to provide an annual, state wide educational conference centered on contemporary life-related issues. We spearhead the yearly March and Rally commemorating Roe v Wade. We were the first in the state to break the news of Live Action's undercover investigations to Planned Parenthood. We regularly receive phone calls from desperate women seeking abortion, whom we then refer for pro-life counseling, and we interface with Crisis Pregnancy Centers and adoption agencies. We are regularly invited in to public and private schools to educate students on human life. We offer workshops to educate the public on euthanasia and life saving Wills to Live. The opinions of our President and Spokesperson are regularly sought by the media for commentary on life-related news developments. We have facilitated rallies and protests for audiences that include President Obama, local Planned Parenthood facilities and major news outlets. We regularly host events promoting pro-life media and entertainment.

We are the only pro-life organization in the state that is comprehensively involved in all facets of the movement: political, legal, educational, media, pregnancy care, community activism and entertainment.

We need your help to continue our vital life-saving efforts. Especially under the current Administration, our work is needed, now more than ever. Please consider making a generous donation today.

Please click this button to donate via Paypal:

Or click here to download a form to mail in.
In This Issue
AZRTL Active
Upcoming Events
Life Educational Corp: Arming Youth with Prolife Conversation
Conference Speaker: Joe Scheidler
July's Pro-Life Legislator: Rep. Steve Yarbrough
PAC Update: How does your state Rep measure up?
NATION: Are They Really Doing This?
AZRTL Active Logo
We're not making this up!
Friday, June 26th, 2009--The AZ House Health & Human Services Committee passed an amendment to SB1175 which would prohibit performance of abortion by someone who is not a physician, but not before bill opponent Rep. Edward Ableser (D-LD17) wasted about 30 minutes of the Committee's time--of his own admission-- by "beating a dead horse."

"I like beating dead horses," said Rep. Ableser, who is the ranking member of the Environment Committee. "I hope that doesn't come back to bite me."

Center for Arizona Policy President Cathi Herrod delivered no-nonsense testimony in favor of the bill, saying it was in response to the 1998 death of a 33-year-old Tucson woman who died at the hands of a physician's assistant after a botched legal abortion (Story). The abortionist and his assistant were convicted of manslaughter and negligent homicide 3 years later. But Rep. Ableser repeatedly deviated away from discussing the bill before him, accusing Herrod of "trying to make abortion illegal."

Herrod never flinched after nearly an hour of deliberation, and the bill passed 5-3.

Want to see live video footage of this committee hearing? Email our Program Specialist to receive an alert when the video is available online.

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AZRTL Prolife conference Registration FlyerAnnual Pro-life Conference
August 28-29
Chaparral Suites


Discount on Early Registration!
AZRTL In the News Logo

AZ Senate Passes Most Pro-Life Bills in Decades

AZ Senate to Vote on Pro-life Bills

See all 2009 Press Releases
Life Educational Corporation Logo
Life Educational Corporation is a 501(c)(3) educational organization. Help us train more pro-lifers! Donations are tax-deductible. Give today!

Thirty participants were trained at the Arizona Right to Life "Leader Training Seminar" led by Melanie Pritchard and Rosa Camou. This training equipped participants with information about what abortion is, when life begins, if women need abortion, what choice means, how abortion hurts women, and how to get involved in making change.
Thomas & Carrie Brown + Children"We felt totally uncomfortable and unproductive having conversations with people about abortion, but after the training, we feel comfortable dialoging and finding common ground with abortion-minded people," said Thomas & Carrie Brown, who attended the six hour pro-life training on June 6th at Our Lady of Mount Carmel.Teresa Marcotte

After completing the training, college student Teresa Marcotte said, "Before this workshop, I couldn't hold a conversation about abortion, but now I will be able to use what I have learned in my day-to-day interactions."

To book a training at your church or organization, contact Melanie Pritchard. To attend this training yourself, sign up for the Arizona Right to Life Conference held on August 29, 2009.
Arizona Right to Life 31st Annual Conference touts
Joseph Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League

Educating Arizona on "Saving Lives Through Activism"
File photo:  Joseph Scheidler Joe Scheidler is a stimulating and controversial guest on radio and TV interviews and talk shows and has appeared on more than a thousand programs including: ABC News Nightline, Donahue, Crossfire, Face the Nation, Good Morning America, MacNeil/Lehrer Report, The O'Reilly Factor and others. He has written many guest columns for newspapers such as USA Today and The Wanderer and has published articles in several national publications.

Joe is a dynamic speaker on the moral dimensions of the abortion issue and the effectiveness of direct action. Nationwide, he has spoken in more than 1000 towns and cities since 1980 and has conducted on-site workshops and lectures in Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Canada, and Italy.

Joe Scheidler is a recognized expert on the abortion culture, sidewalk counseling, the spiritual dimension of pro-life activism, fetal experimentation, working with the media, the responsibility of the church to fight abortion, battling the courts and the need for a return to morality. Read full bio

Click here to receive special early discount on registration!

AZRTL President to Speak at Upcoming Republican Meeting

Arizona Right to Life President, Jinny Perron, will be speaking at the July 2, 2009 monthly meeting of the Maricopa County Republican Party (MCRC) Executive Guidance Committee (EGC) by invitation of Chairman Rob Haney. The EGC consists of all the Chairmen of the 18 legislative districts of Maricopa County, as well as 5 officers and 5 members-at-large. Location , AZGOP Headquarters, 3501 North 24th Street, Phoenix. Interested guests are welcome!
Legislator of the Month Logo
July 2009
Rep. Steve Yarbrough
Republican District 21
Photo of AZ Rep. Steve YarbroughEach month we feature a genuine pro-life legislator in the Arizona Life Times.

AZRTL: Is there any incident in your life that really compelled/reaffirmed your pro-life convictions?

Rep. Yarbrough: My pro-life convictions are the product of my personal Christian faith and what I believe the Bible clearly teaches on this subject.

ProjectAZRTL: What impact do you think our project to display ultrasound videos in the mall will have on the culture of life?

Rep. Yarbrough: I believe it is a solid idea. Hearing what I anticipate would be the testimonies of these women would be compelling.

AZRTL: Tell us a personal story regarding abortion, euthanasia, or embryonic stem cell research that would inspire Arizona pro-lifers.

Rep. Yarbrough: Our middle son and his wife just completed a two-year journey to adopt our new granddaughter from Siberia, Russia. In a culture where abortion on demand is readily available, not unlike ours here, a young woman chose life when death for the baby must have seemed easier for the mother. That decision now holds marvelous promise and I thank God for that young woman who will likely never be known to our family. But Anna, beautiful and created in God's image, is now wrapped in the love of our family along with our seven grandsons.

AZRTL: What has been your greatest pro-life accomplishment in the AZ legislature?

Rep. Yarbrough: I have voted and worked hard to advance every pro-life measure in the AZ Legislature during my seven years of service. I have also helped create and sustain the Arizona Values Action Team (AVAT) at our c.apitol which includes supporting life as a key part of its mission. AVAT has been an ally with Arizona Right to Life in this struggle.

AZRTL: What/who is the most significant threat to innocent human life in Arizona?

Rep Yarbrough:There are several but at the core is the individual heart which fails to appreciate the miracle of life.
PAC Update Logo

These Arizona Legislators voted to
BAN partial-birth abortion:

Kirk Adams Adam Driggs Rick Murphy
Frank Antenori Doris Goodale Warde Nichols
Cecil Ash David Gowan Frank Pratt
Ray Barnes Laurin Hendrix Doug Quelland
Nancy Barto Russell Jones Carl Seel
Andy Biggs John Kavanagh David Stevens
Tom Boone Debbie Lesko Andrew Tobin
Jack Brown Lucy Mason Anna Tovar
Judy Burges John McComish Jerry Weiers
Steve Court Nancy McLain Jim Weiers
Rich Crandall Ben Miranda Vic Williams
Sam Crump Steve Montenegro Steven Yarbrough

These Arizona Legislators voted to

Edward Ableser Matt Heinz
Olivia Bedford Phil Lopes
David Bradley David Lujan
Chad Campbell Barbara McGuire
Cloves Campbell Eric Meyer
Tom Chabin Lynne Pancrazi
Christopher Deschene Daniel Patterson
Steve Farley David Schapira
Patricia Fleming Nancy Wright
Martha Garcia
NATION: Bill before Congress Establishes "Office of Global Women's Issues" to Promote Legalized Abortion Internationally
Washington, DC- June 23, 2009 - After passing the US House of Representatives NRCL Logo235-187 on June 10th, a bill establishing the "Office of Global Women's Issues" is now waiting to be heard by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In an April House Foreign Relations hearing, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton revealed, "We... will protect the rights of women, including their rights to reproductive healthcare... reproductive healthcare includes access to abortion" (emphasis added). WATCH VIDEO.

HR 2410 seeks to establish an office at the State Department that would pressure foreign countries to legalize abortion in the name of "Women's Rights."

Recently the Southeast Asian country of East Timor resisted a blitzkrieg lobbying campaign seeking unrestricted abortion in the country by the UNFPA, which is now funded by US taxdollars after the Obama Administration overturned the abortion-limiting Mexico City Policy in January.

HR 2410, Sec. 334: Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Office for Global Women's Issues.

National Right to Life Committee Legislative Director Doug Johnson warned members of Congress that "This [vote] will be the first scored House roll call of the current Congrerss," which spells trouble for the political futures of members supportive of the bill. A recent Gallup poll shows a sharply increasing majority of the public is pro-life.

Congressional Members from Arizona who support international abortion:
    Rep. Gabrielle Giffords
    Rep. Raul Grijalva
    Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick

    Rep. Ed Pastor

Scheduled Office Closure

In observance of the 4th of July Holiday, the Arizona Right to Life office will be closed on Friday, July 3rd. We will be be open normal business hours until then and will resume normal hours again Monday, July 6th.

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