Calling All Northeast Valley Taxpayers and Tea Partiers!
(Please forward this to your friends in the NE Phoenix-Scottsdale-Anthem-Cave Creek-Carefree areas and in Legislative Districts 6, 7, and 8!)
Will the national government complete its takeover of American health care? What will bureaucratic decisions made in Washington mean for elderly patients? What will happen to the quality of health services in the US? What will happen to doctor-patient relationships? Is there any way to stop the march of socialized medicine?
Closer to home, will Gov. Brewer succeed in getting the Legislature to put a billion-dollar sales tax increase on the Arizona ballot? What would that mean for taxpayers? What would that mean for recipients of government services? What will that mean for education reform? How will Arizona taxpayers respond?
You have lots of questions for your state legislators and for policy experts. And we’ve got some answers. Thursday night, July 23, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, the Arizona Chapter of Americans for Prosperity Foundation is sponsoring a Taxpayer Town Hall meeting in the Fairway House at the Grayhawk Golf Club, near Hayden Road and Thompson Peak Parkway, north of 101 and east of Scottsdale Road.
Map and directions for Grayhawk:
Confirmed speakers will include AFPF Arizona director Tom Jenney and medical policy expert Dr. Byron Schlomach of the Goldwater Institute. We have made room in the schedule for more than an hour of Q&A from the public.
All legislators from Legislative Districts 6, 7, and 8 have been invited to participate in this nonpartisan event: Senators Pamela Gorman, Jim Waring, and Carolyn Allen, and Representatives Sam Crump, Carl Seel, Ray Barnes, Nancy Barto, John Kavanagh, and Michele Reagan.
If you have not done so already, RSVP to, and let us know you’re coming. The room at Grayhawk seats about 100 people, so we need to know as soon as possible if we will need to make accommodations for more persons. There is no charge for this event.
It is very important for Tea Partiers and other Northeast Valley taxpayers to come to this event. Much is at stake in the national health care policy battle, and in the budget battles down at the Arizona state Capitol.
Tom Jenney
Arizona Director
Americans for Prosperity Foundation
(Arizona Federation of Taxpayers)
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