Saturday, April 17, 2010

Tonight! Join Jan D'Atri in the kitchen with Phil & Barbara Sargenti

Join Jan D'atri
in the kitchen for food and politics!

Friday, April 16th, 2010
6:00pm - 8:00pm

at the home of
Phil & Barbara Sargenti

Suggested contribution - $100
10826 N. Skyline Dr., Fountain Hills AZ

As a state legislator and then Maricopa County Treasurer, David Schweikert has been a consistent and principled advocate for the taxpayer. David Schweikert - Advocate for the TaxpayerA committed conservative in the Arizona Legislature, David did more than just talk about tax cuts, he successfully sponsored and shepherded through some of the largest cuts in Arizona history.
Our next member of Congress must have a proven record of principled conservatism and a commitment to do what is right not only for Arizona, but for America. In the Republican primary in Arizona's Fifth Congressional District, that conservative is David Schweikert.

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