Monday, April 26, 2010

AFP & Tea Party Patriots of Scottsdale Town Hall on healthcare this Thursday

What Has Harry Mitchell Done to Our Health Care?
…and What Can YOU Do About It?
Dear Valley Taxpayer:

AFP Arizona , the Arizona Health Care Freedom Act, and the Tea Party Patriots of Scottsdale invite you to attend a special Health Care Town Hall this coming Thursday, April 29, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the auditorium at Saguaro High School, 6250 N. 82nd Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85250 (NE of McDonald and Hayden).
At the town hall, health care policy expert Dr. Eric Novack will answer your questions and explain what passage by Congress of the health care “reform” legislation will mean for you as an insurance consumer, as a patient, and as a taxpayer. Over the coming months and years, as really bad things begin happening in the American health care system, citizen activists will need to know exactly WHY those things are happening—otherwise, future Congresses will have great difficulty fixing the messes that Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and CD5 Congressman Harry Mitchell are imposing on the country.
Dr. Novack is not only one of the nation’s foremost experts on health care policy: he is also the architect of the Arizona Health Care Freedom Act, which will be on the November 2 state ballot. Dr. Novack will explain the importance of the Act, not just to patients and health insurance consumers in Arizona, but to the future of health care freedom in America as a whole.
RSVP today at , so that we can get a good attendance count. You should also contact the Arizona Health Care Freedom Act at to find out what you can do to help pass this important ballot proposition.
To invest in AFP’s grassroots efforts, please make your check payable to “Americans for Prosperity,” with “ Arizona” in the memo line, and mail the check to:

Attn: Tom Jenney
Americans for Prosperity
One East Camelback Road, Suite 550
Phoenix , AZ 85012

For Liberty,

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