Thursday, April 15, 2010

Goldwater Institute: State asks taxpayers for more money, but hasn't cut out government waste

By Le Templar 

Tax Day is here, and even after everyone has finished paying Uncle Sam, the people of Arizona will be asked to pay even more.

Early voting starts in one week for the proposed 18 percent increase in the state sales tax. Champions of this tax hike claim the state budget has been cut to the bone. But did policymakers really get rid of all of the fat before asking for another $400 per family each year?

The Goldwater Institute has been explaining since January 2009 that the state of Arizona should fix its spending priorities first, instead of demanding that taxpayers sacrifice even more. This video illustrates how the state budget still has plenty of places to cut.
Tax video 
Le Templar is Communications Director for the Goldwater Institute.
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