The Night After Christmas
WinePress Publishing
ISBN 13: 978-1-60615-008-5
ISBN 10: 1-60615-008-1
24 pages
With the familiar cadence of its much-loved predecessor, The Night After Christmas at first draws the reader back to childhood, and to imagining the sound of reindeer on the roof. Very soon, however, this contemporary collection of poetic couplets scrutinizes post-holiday exhaustion, mounting credit card debt, unrealistic expectations, and the lack of devotion paid to the Child whose birthday the holiday should celebrate. The relevance of the message, the read aloud nature of the text, and the photo-like quality of the illustrations will make this light-hearted look at a serious topic a new Christmas tradition for stressed out families everywhere.
Freelance writer and editor for the past ten years, Marlene McCurley has also served in the field of Christian education for more than fifteen years.
(If you live in Phoenix, contact Jim at jechapman22-at-cox.net to avoid shipping costs)
IC Editor's note: Jim Chapman is my very gifted Bible Study leader. He writes poems about the chapters of the Bible as he goes through and teaches them, that sum up all the key points of the books amazingly well. He eventually hopes to finish the entire Bible and compile them into a book.
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