Monday, November 23, 2009

AZRTL: Harry Reid adds abortion-on-demand to healthcare bill, ignores will of the people

Phoenix, AZ - Nov. 19, 2009 - Ignoring the overwhelming victory of the pro-life Stupak-Pitts amendment to the House version of the healthcare bill, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has added abortion-on-demand to the Senate version (p. 118) and is expected to file cloture on the motion to proceed this Saturday, November 21. Arizona Right to Life is urging you to contact your senators IMMEDIATELY to cast an unconditional "NO" vote on the motion to proceed.

The bill includes a $1 monthly premium to cover elective abortions for those enrolled in the program (p. 122, Section 1303(a)(2)(C)) and would cost US taxpayers more than $848 billion according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

"Did [Reid] not get the memo from the House that the vast majority of Americans oppose abortion?" asked Arizona Right to Life president Jinny Perron. House roll call showed a 240-194 pro-life victory in favor of Stupak-Pitts language, and a CNN poll released yesterday shows 61% of Americans oppose Tax-Funded Abortions.

National Right to Life Legislative Director Doug Johnson said, "Reid has sought to please the militant minority that demands funding of abortion through federal programs, even though substantial majorities of Americans believe that abortion should be excluded from government-funded and government-sponsored health programs."


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Arizona Right to Life

A non-sectarian, non-partisan, non-profit, 501(c)4 organization, Arizona Right to Life is committed to articulating and protecting the right to life of all human beings, born and unborn. This is accomplished by educating people on the value of every human life and by promoting and supporting pro-life legislation, public policy and elected officials. Arizona Right to Life is the oldest, largest and strongest pro-life organization in the State of Arizona.
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