Polls funded by special-interest-backed candidates all leave Andrew Thomas out as a choice for governor!
A m e r i c a n P o s t - G a z e t t e
Distributed by C O M M O N S E N S E , in Arizona
Thursday, August 14th, 2014
McCain appearing with Ducey at a townhall |
We've heard that the RINO Doug Ducey campaign for governor has hired the
political consulting firm of Coleman Dahm & Associates, a political
polling firm that represents Democrats too (hmm, what does that tell
you?). They issued a poll today that - surprise! - shows Ducey in the
lead. Now what's intriguing about this poll, is they claim there are
only two frontrunners, Ducey and Smith, who are WAY ahead of everyone
else. This is to scare people into thinking they'd better support Ducey
in order to beat Smith, the only liberal Republican in the race -
otherwise Smith will win.
Who believes this? Until now, Jones
had money and was able to afford pollsters to make it look like SHE was
one of the two leading candidates. The media dutifully reported for
months that it was a two person race between Ducey and Jones. Ducey has
all the GOP establishment behind him, so the money is still pouring in
for him. A newcomer to politics, Jones has apparently run out of money.
who do you want? The establishment-driven Ducey, or who the Republican
base is supporting, Andrew Thomas? Don't buy the fake polls. It is
abhorrent that our very own Republicans would be using false polls to
bolster their chances. We've heard from close to 100 people over the
past few days that they've been polled about the governor's race and
Andrew Thomas was not offered as a choice. Since even in these dishonest
polls, he's polling around third, what does that tell you? He's the guy
they know they have to beat.
Sellout, and vote for Ducey or
Smith, or stick with the only conservative in the race, who is not even
ALLOWED in polling by his dishonest opponents!
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