Friday, July 16, 2010

Schweikert for Congress: Jobs and Freedom

Schweikert for US Congress
Harry Mitchell, the Obama Administration, and this liberal Pelosi Congress don’t have a clue what they’re doing when it comes to growing the economy, creating jobs, and protecting our freedoms.
In fact, they're taking us down the road to ruin.
Tax hikes; increased regulations; out of control spending and growth of government.
We need true conservative leadership in Washington to take on the big-spenders!
--And we need it more than ever.
Harry Mitchell and the extreme one-party-rule liberals are bankrupting our country and crowding out the free marketplace.
Where are the jobs?
Where is the fiscal discipline?
Who is protecting our freedoms?
So much money has been wasted! It is time to STOP the madness!
David Schweikert is the only candidate in this race who has consistently and without apology fought for and defended our shared conservative principles.
He has cut taxes – leading the largest tax cut in Arizona history.
He has reduced the size and cost of government.
He has taken on the bureaucracy with tough-as-nails ethics reforms to clean up pork barrel spending in Arizona.
He is a small businessman who understands that when you let people keep more of what they earn, it creates jobs and grows the economy.
Together, by supporting David Schweikert, we can stop the spending and reduce the size and cost of government.
We can repeal and defund Obamacare along with all of his Czars.
We can restore fidelity to the Constitution.
And we can defend the American dream - - free enterprise!
--The White House is back-peddling. The liberals are running scared.
They are losing because their policies have failed and they have not only spent all the public’s money today - - but all our grandchildren’s money in the future.
We will take back our government! Make no mistake.
But that depends on your support today to help David Schweikert fight the liberals in one of the most important battles in the country - - Arizona’s Fifth Congressional District!
We know this election is the most important election in generations. It will shape the future course of our country. So please don’t delay. Support David Schweikert for Congress today.
Thank you for your time and support.
Oliver Schwab
Campaign Manager
Please join us...

Wednesday, July 21st - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Tom & Carolyn Lewis and John & Judy Lewis 
cordially invite you to the
Terravita Golf and Country Club
for a reception in support of
David Schweikert for Congress
Please consider a minimum donation of $35

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