Monday, January 11, 2010

AZ Republican Liberty Caucus Organizing Convention Notice

Date: Saturday, January 30, 2010
Time: 12:00 – 4:00pm
Location: Wheeler Taft Abbett Library, 7800 N. Schisler Dr., Tucson, AZ

The Arizona Republican Liberty Caucus will hold its organizing convention at the Wheeler Taft Abbett Sr. Library on January 30, 2010 from 12:00 to 4:00 pm. Please come a little early to get through the credentials process.

The Wheeler Taft Abbett Library is approximately 1/2 mile off I-10 on Cortaro Rd. Exit I-10 and take Cortaro Rd. west. Merge in to the left lane at your earliest convenience. The entry road to the library is right after you cross the Santa Cruz River Bridge.

Map link:

http://tinyurl. com/yb5fzbt

In order to vote for officers and approval of the proposed bylaws, you must be a registered republican and an active member of the national Republican Liberty Caucus. Don't forget, Associate and Honorary members are welcome to and may provide their input; however, you will not be allowed to vote.

We will use Roberts Rules of Order to conduct the meeting.

If you wish to make a motion to propose changes to the bylaws from the floor, please bring your typed motion with sufficient copies for our members to review prior to holding the debate and the vote.

If you would like a copy of the proposed bylaws, please send me your email address. I will then email a copy to you.

I hope you can attend this important event. Members have been hard at work to put this organizing convention together and to finally get Arizona chartered by the national RLC.

In liberty,

Ken Rineer (

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