Thursday, September 17, 2009

Planned Parenthood responds to assassination of Michigan Pro-life activist by challenging new Arizona Laws that protect women, children, healthcare wo

After three days of what appears to be silent support of the assassination of pro-life activist Jim Pouillon of Owosso, MI on September 11, Planned Parenthood filed a lawsuit Monday challenging two recent laws passed in Arizona that take effect on September 30th. The two laws, Abortion Consent Act and SB 1175, "Protect the conscience of healthcare workers, women, parents, and the preborn children that [Planned Parenthood] seeks to eliminate," said Arizona Right to Life President Jinny Perron.

Perron also condemned the shooting death of Pouillon: "Jim stood for the thousands of babies murdered by abortion every day at places like Planned Parenthood."

AP Photo: Owosso Police Detective Sargeant Thomas HOlcomb adjusts bullet trajectory posts in a sign which belonged to pro-life activist Jim PouillonNational pro-abortion groups have been silent in the wake of Pouillon's murder.

Recalling the May 2009 assassination of late-term abortionist Dr. George Tiller, Perron said, "We immediately released a statement in May condemning [Tiller's murder]. We don't want anyone murdered. Where is [Planned Parenthood's] response now?"

Well known in his community as "The abortion sign guy" who staged a silent protest outside Owosso High School five days per week, Jim Pouillon was shot four times through his sign by 33 year-old Harlan Drake who prosecutors say, "was offended by the manner of Mr. Pouillon's message" (Full story at Lifenews).

But at the time of his death, Pouillon appears to have been displaying a large sign with a smiling baby and the word "Life" across the top. A Vietnam veteran, Pouillon wore leg braces and was dependent on an oxygen tank.

A non-sectarian, non-partisan, non-profit, 501(c)4 organization, Arizona Right to Life is committed to articulating and protecting the right to life of all human beings, born and unborn. This is accomplished by educating people on the value of every human life and by promoting and supporting pro-life legislation, public policy and elected officials. Arizona Right to Life is the oldest, largest and strongest pro-life organization in the State of Arizona.
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