Monday, September 21, 2009

CAP: Abortion laws threatened, School Choice update

On Monday, abortion advocates filed two lawsuits seeking to block enforcement of Arizona's new abortion laws. Planned Parenthood filed their lawsuit in Maricopa County Superior Court and Center for Reproductive Rights filed in U.S. District Court, Phoenix.
In a very coordinated, strategic attack, the abortion industry has two key goals:
  • Get a definitive state court ruling that the Arizona Constitution provides a greater right to an abortion than the U.S. Constitution, thus effectively overturning the Legislature's right to reasonably regulate abortion.
  • Get a court ruling that non-doctors, such as nurse practitioners, may legally and constitutionally perform surgical abortions.

If the abortion-on-demand crowd wins these lawsuits, it will be very difficult to protect a woman's need and right to get adequate information about the abortion procedure and to have a consultation with a doctor. Protecting parental rights, taking care of minors' medical needs, and preserving conscience rights for healthcare workers also will be greatly endangered. The abortion industry's push to have non-doctors perform surgical abortion with government approval has ramifications nationwide. CAP remains committed to doing everything we can to see the new Arizona abortion laws upheld and enforced.

School Choice Battle Update

The Arizona House has formed a special committee to review the school choice tax credit programs. Speaker Kirk Adams - a strong supporter of school choice - said that "this committee will review the impact of these tax credits and make recommendations for their future use." CAP looks forward to working with legislators and our school choice allies to develop legislative solutions to real problems, not the ones manufactured by opponents and the media.

Connect the Dots: The Battle Is Not Over
Those who oppose parental rights and who favor abortion on demand are strategically planning their attacks. School choice opponents are working to over-regulate - and even eliminate - the scholarship tax credit programs that provide almost 30,000 students and their parents with meaningful educational options. Abortion proponents filed two lawsuits attacking Arizona's new law. School choice opponents and abortion proponents are joining together to recruit and train candidates for state legislative and school board positions. This is no time to grow weary or rest on our laurels. As Paul writes in Philippians, CAP is "pressing on towards the goal" to protect and defend our values.

Pressing On by Getting Involved
Upcoming events to empower you to help make a difference:

Oct 3: Phoenix Truth Project Training, English session, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
3 de Octubre: Phoenix, El Proyecto La Verdad, sesión en Español, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Oct 10: Sun City Truth Project Training, 11:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Also, join me next Saturday, September 26, at American Majority's Candidate and Activist Training. This conference promises to provide valuable tools for those considering running for public office and for those who want to get involved and better communicate their views to their friends and neighbors.More information is available on our web site.

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