Monday, September 28, 2009

CAP: New laws take effect Wednesday

Next Wednesday, September 30, at 12:01 a.m., new laws take effect in Arizona, including several supported by CAP. Our work couldn't be done without God's hand and without your partnership. A partial sampling of the new CAP-supported laws that benefit Arizona families:
  • Public school students, parents, and school officials will have a clear law governing how students can share about their faith because of the Students' Religious Liberties Act.
  • Partial-birth abortions will be banned under state law. Arizona becomes one of a handful of states to ban partial-birth abortions in addition to the existing federal law so that anyone performing this horrible procedure can be prosecuted to the fullest extent.
  • Arizona's charitable tax credit will be clarified and far more user-friendly for all taxpayers who itemize. Married couples who donate $400 or individuals who donate $200 anytime this year now can receive a tax credit for their gifts to charities meeting the needs of the working poor. Faith-based ministries benefiting include pregnancy resource centers, St. Vincent de Paul, Neighborhood Ministries, and Neighborhood Christian Clinic.
  • Patients without a living will and who are unable to express their wishes will not be left for dead thanks to the provisions in Jesse's Law, Part 2. A presumption of life will be made in these cases so that patients are protected when their voice can't be heard.
  • More students will be able to attend the schools chosen by their parents because of the Scholarship Tax Credit expansion. Not only will the corporate tax credit program continue past 2011, the types of qualifying companies will now include insurance companies.

Legal Update

Whether or not the Abortion Consent Act goes into effect next Wednesday depends on the courts. Next Tuesday, at 9:30 a.m., Maricopa County Judge Donald Daughton hears Planned Parenthood's motion to block the law's implementation. Then, at 2:00 p.m., U.S. District Judge David Campbell hears Center for Reproductive Rights' motion to block the law's implementation. Both judges should rule by the next day. CAP attorneys joined our allied attorneys to file motions in both lawsuits setting forth why the judges should allow the law to go into effect as scheduled. We'll be in court on Tuesday. Please pray that the women of Arizona will not face any further delays in being given full and accurate information about the risks and alternatives to abortion, that non-doctors will be prohibited from performing surgical abortions, and that parents' rights to oversee their minor daughter's abortion decision will be secured.
School Choice Programs Under Review
On Monday, State Rep. David Schapira held a meeting to discuss proposed "reforms" to the scholarship tax credit. House Speaker Kirk Adams has established an official committee to review the school tuition tax credit, and CAP is working with legislative leaders and our school choice allies on measures making this great program even better and more accountable through this official legislative process. As a part of the School Choice Working Group, CAP released a statement on Monday that states our support for the tax credits as well as any improvements that make these great programs better. We look forward to working with legislators during the formal legislative process and looking at real solutions.
Upcoming Events!
Oct. 3 Phoenix Truth Project Training, English session, sesión en Español

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