Despite attempts by some to silence pastors and churches on the important moral issues of our day, this week the IRS upheld the rights of a group that held public policy conferences for pastors in 2006. The pastors were encouraged to vote their values and to encourage their members to register to vote and to vote their values. The IRS found that this did not qualify as "political intervention" and therefore did not jeopardize the tax-exempt status of the nonprofit group that held the conference. This ruling is a victory for free speech and means that, once again, the right of pastors and churches to speak out on moral issues has been affirmed. Pastors can fulfill their biblical duty to address moral issues without fearing repercussions from the IRS.
Out-of-Wedlock Births on Rise |
In a room full of ten American babies, it is likely that four of those children were born to a single mother. The latest reports from the National Center for Health Statistics show that out-of-wedlock births are sharply on the rise, currently at 40% of all births. That number has doubled since 1980. The sharp increase results from women in their 20s and 30s intentionally deciding to have children without getting married. This news yet again shows the devaluing of marriage in our culture. It also shows how much our society has moved away from the knowledge that children do best with a mom and a dad. Note that this isn't about single parent households resulting from death or divorce. No, this increasingly new societal norm says it no longer matters whether children have a mom and a dad. Yet study after study continues to show that the best way to raise a child is with two married parents. Better school performance, less drug use, and more successful futures are just a small sampling of the overall benefits typically received by children raised by their married parents instead of cohabitating or single parents. Read more on our blog. |
CAP on the Radio |
Part of CAP's mission is to communicate truth to the citizens of Arizona. One way we are doing this is with our new radio feature, Family News Minute. This daily policy-focused feature is played on stations throughout Arizona as well as being posted on our web site. Listen for these unique spots on the radio or visit On the Radio to listen online. If you don't hear Family News Minute on your favorite Christian radio station, let the station know you'd like to! You also can hear my weekly commentary on Family Life Radio on the FLR stations throughout Arizona. |
We'll See You on Tuesday Night! |
Our office is extremely busy preparing for our CAP Family Dinner with Mike Huckabee next Tuesday. We are thrilled that so many of you will be joining us for this special evening. While online registration is closed, you can still purchase tickets by calling our office today before 5 p.m. or on Monday before noon. There will be no walk-up registration at the event. |
Good News/Bad News at the Capitol |
The good news is the Legislature and Governor agreed to a budget bill addressing yet another shortfall in the current fiscal year budget. The bad news is the Legislature and the Governor still have not agreed to a budget for the 2010 fiscal year. And, yes, this means that the Arizona Senate still is not hearing any bills, including pro-life and pro-school choice legislation passed by the House. |
Pro-Lifers Are the Majority |
The results of a new Gallup poll released this week show that the majority of Americans are pro-life. The poll showed that 51% of Americans identified themselves as pro-life, while only 42% identified themselves as supporting abortion. Read more on our blog. |
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