Saturday, May 16, 2009

AFP: Please help us fight the Brewer Tax Increase!

Gov. Jan Brewer and the majorities at the Arizona Legislature have done a good job of working together to go back and fill the gap in the FY2009 budget.

Unfortunately, Gov. Brewer is still stuck on the idea of raising taxes in order to solve the FY2010 budget deficit crisis, as shown in this statement released today:

Also, Gov. Brewer’s spokespersons and surrogates are appearing at town halls, legislative district meetings, business club meetings and other venues around the state, arguing in favor of the tax-increase proposal. If you are planning to be at a public meeting anytime soon, please print, copy, and distribute copies of our latest talking points against the tax hike plan:

Tom Jenney

Arizona Director

Americans for Prosperity

(Arizona Federation of Taxpayers)

(602) 478-0146

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