Thursday, October 16, 2008

AFT-AFP records for healthcare district candidates available online





Dear Maricopa County Taxpayer,


Several of the candidates running for the board of the Maricopa Integrated Health System (MIHS) have established records on the scorecards produced in recent years by the Arizona chapter of Americans for Prosperity and the Arizona Federation of Taxpayers. Also, AFP Arizona has requested that all local government candidates and all local government officials sign our 2008 Local Government Tax and Spending Pledge.


Now available online are the AFT/AFP Arizona records for the last two years in office for each candidate, where those records are available, and also the 2008 Pledge signing status for each candidate, as of October 15: 


As a disclaimer, AFP Arizona does not endorse or oppose any candidates for public office. Also, as any investment prospectus will tell you, past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Further, the policy matters decided by the MIHS are often different from those decided by the Legislature or local governments.



Tom Jenney

Arizona Director

Americans for Prosperity

(Arizona Federation of Taxpayers)

(602) 478-0146

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