Friday, March 13, 2009

Goldwater Institute: Sending a tax hike to the ballot is the same as voting for one

The Arizona Taxpayer Protection Pledge is a commitment to the voters of Arizona that the signer will "oppose and vote against" any tax increase.

capitolSending a tax hike to the ballot is supporting the tax hike. Voting against sending a tax hike to the ballot is opposing the tax hike.

Voting to move the tax hike forward and put it on the ballot is the equivalent to a Senator voting for a tax hike and referring the tax hike to the House of Representatives. A senator could argue that he didn't vote for the tax hike, he just sent it to the House. They pulled the trigger. Or visa versa for a House member.

The idea that moving a tax hike forward by putting it on the ballot is not part of passing a tax increase has never passed the laugh test.

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