Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Federalist Society luncheons on embryonic research & campaign finance

(Please note these are open to the general public)

Upcoming Lawyers Chapter Events

Thursday, September 13, 2007-1.25 hours CLE

The Phoenix Lawyers Chapter and the Phoenix School of Law Student Chapter are pleased to present a discussion of the legal and policy implications of embryonic stem cell research.

When: 11:30am, Thursday, September 13

Where: Phoenix School of Law, Room 301

      Central and Indian School in downtown Phoenix

( for directions)

What: Mr. Nicholas Nikas, President and General Counsel for the Bioethics Defense Fund will begin discussing the cloning process (scientifically), then move into the law and policy implications of human cloning and embryonic stem cell research. It discusses both state and federal law (constitutional and statutory) and the future legal implications to society of the proposed "Brave New World."

Details: Lunch will be provided, the cost of attending is $10 (students may attend for free).
Please check-in and get your lunch by 11:30.

* Please RSVP to Niki Swank ( or 480-282-7789) no later than close of business, Tuesday, September 11. Your courtesy in responding to Ms. Swank if you plan to attend is greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007-1.5 hours CLE

The Phoenix Lawyers Chapter presents a panel discussion about whether campaign finance laws or disclosure restrictions should apply to ballot measure campaigns.

Where: The Phoenician Resort
6000 East Camelback Road

Scottsdale AZ 85251

Who: Steve Simpson, Senior Attorney Institute for Justice
Bill Maurer, Executive Director Institute for Justice Washington Chapter
Moderated by Professor James Weinstein, Amelia Lewis Professor of Constitutional Law, Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law

Details: Cost for lunch and for 1.5 hours CLE credit TBD

* Please RSVP to Kasey Higgins ( or 480-557-8300) by Friday, October 12. Your courtesy in responding to Ms. Higgins if you plan to attend is greatly appreciated.

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