Monday, October 10, 2011

Tea Party groups: Don't be duped by the Occupy Now protests

Thanks to BZ:
This current rash of protests (Occupy Now) is an exercise in "Front Groups" discussed in the seminar. Please listen to Dr. Schwarz on the CD-Rom that was given to you, to refresh your familiarity with how a Front Group is organized.(Lectures # 7 and #8) Also remember, that in the pre-Revolutionary phase, tensions are raised and an attempt is made to undermine authority. This "Occupy Now" demonstration is an attempt to bring about direct conflict with the police, and undermine confidence in authority to restore order.
It is distressing, to say the least, that some Tea Party Constitutional Conservatives are joining forces with these demonstrators. The folks are being used as "Dupes" and being drug into this morass by taking the bait ("End the Fed!") It is based on a half truth.
Dr. Fred Schwarz was fond of poetry. He believed it illuminated great truths. One of his favorites was this passage by Alfred Lord Tennyson;
That a lie which is half a truth
is ever the blackest of lies,
That a lie which is all a lie may be
met with and fought outright,
But a lie which is part a truth is
a harder matter to fight.
I believe this applies in the current situation. Please take Tennyson's admonition to heart and help spread this message.

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