About Eric
Eric Frederick has lived in the Valley for 6 years. He came here via Michigan and is happy to trade snow for sunshine. He has been married for 11 years and has 3 beautiful children.
Eric owns an insurance agency in Phoenix. His success as a businessowner allows him to see Council issues from a unique perspective. He is active in many community groups and organizations and looks forward to continuing to serve.
Learn more about Eric here. Thank you for your support!
Our Sponsors
Now that we are in a runoff election, the special interests that want to protect the status quo will be spending tens of thousands of dollars to win this race. We have the right message--we just need the money to get the message out. Will you help with a donation today?
Website Update!
We have updated our website at www.ElectFrederick.com to reflect the charges that my opponent has made along with adding a page about her voting record and lack of leadership. I encourage you to look it over and share it with everyone you can. You can see the differences between her philosophy and ours. Her side launches unsubstantiated claims. while our update contains direct links back to her appearances, her voting record, and her lies. |
Thelda's Lies!
Whenever you wonder how a campaign is going, simply begin to look for signs of desperation from the opponent. It is apparent that our opponent is deeply concerned about the outcome of the race in Phoenix District 1!
How do we know? The lies are out in earnest. Last week, we wrote to you about claims made from a group called Concerned Citizens for Phoenix. If you'll recall, they brought a litany of 'charges' that contained lies and half-truths, including some that were based on a different Eric Frederick!
Now, Friends of Thelda Williams has put out signs in the District claiming that Eric Frederick is Dangerous. They claim that he wants to Cut Senior Centers, Slash Police and Firefighters, and Destroy the Funds for Road Construction. They also include a link to a 12 minute video that purports to substantiate these claims. Go ahead, watch the video yourself and see if there's any reason to believe that Eric isn't exactly the person we want representing us. As usual, he is genuine, contemplative, and reasoned in his approaches to various issues. What you'll also notice in the video is that Thelda William's campaign doesn't include her response to any questions. Hmmm, perhaps she has something to hide?
The advantage that the Status Quo has over us is money including $14,000 on an independent expenditure made by a former senior aide to the outgoing Mayor. Each of these lies are on signs as well as mailed to thousands of households throughout the District. While we have attempted to get our responses out to the news media, coverage of the race is minimal. We are counting on you to get the word out. Post this message to your Facebook Page, retweet it on Twitter, volunteer to walk a neighborhood this Saturday, come down to the phone bank this week and make telephone calls--whatever you can do! This race is for the very soul of Phoenix--the opposition knows it, we need the voters to know it too!
Phone Banking!
Our phone banking is going strong! Each night, Monday through Thursday, we are meeting at 3501 N 24th St Phoenix, AZ 85016 for phone calls from 5:30 until 8:00 pm. These phone calls are made through a system that dials the number for you, leaves a voice mail if no one is home, and allows you to make about 50 phone calls per hour. Once someone is on the phone, we have a very easy script to follow--most of the time it ends up being a good conversation with a neighbor. Please join us as it is vitally important that we counter the lies and deceit our opponent is putting out there!
We Need YOU!
This Saturday, October 22, 2011, we will have another walk beginning at 9:30 at the Bagel Gourmet. The Bagel Gourmet is located on Bell Rd just west of the I-17. Early ballots landed in mailboxes yesterday instead of last week which means many people will be making their decisions this weekend. This could be the opportunity to reach out to one more person before they vote. Remember that the primary was decided by 107 votes, so every volunteer effort helps!
The response we get when we knock on doors continues to be extremely positive! Some residents express surprise that we would actually have real people in their neighborhoods. Others don't know that there is a runoff election until we tell them. Most are very excited that they have a chance to elect New, Forward Leadership to replace the Politics As Usual that so many people are tired of.
So, whether you've done this before or have thought about helping but something has always "come up", this weekend presents a unique opportunity to truly have an impact on your neighborhood, city, and state. Please join us for three hours this Saturday, October 22, 2011 and have an impact on the most important local election Phoenix has had in 40+ years!
The Bagel Gourmet is at 16845 N 29th Ave Phoenix, AZ 85053. We will meet there at 9:30 for a campaign update, instructions and material distribution. Please invite your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers out for a couple hours walking!
As always, thank you for your continued support in retiring the career politician in District 1 and electing new, vibrant leadership. Thank you for your support of Eric Frederick!
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