Saturday, March 1, 2008

AZ Right to Life March Life Times

Dear Friend of Life,

First, we would like to thank everyone who came to support Arizona Right to Life at our Spring Gala in February as well as those who made generous contributions that support our life-saving mission. For those who did not have an opportunity to attend, there are still many ways you can help Arizona Right to Life. Consider visiting our wishlist or contribution page, or attending one of the events listed in this month's issue of the Arizona Life Times.

In This Issue
Assisted Suicide Presentation
40 Days for Life/Project Jericho
Upcoming Tucson Pro-life Events
College Student Activism
Upcoming Events!

Assisted Suicide Presentation
Doctor Holding Patient's Hand March, the month that Terri Schiavo was killed, should be a time for all pro-lifers to reflect on the ethics related to end-of-life care. In that spirit, on Wednesday, March 5th, Arizona Right to Life will be continuing its spring lecture series with "The Case Against Assisted Suicide." As Arizona lawmakers attempt to legalize assisted suicide, Arizona Right to Life will be providing the public with answers to questions about the so-called "right-to-die," pain management, and compassionate healthcare. Programs Manager Trent Horn will outline the historical and moral case against assisted suicide, and AZRTL Board member Dr. Carolyn Gerster will speak about pain management and end-of-life care. The seminar will be held from 7:00 - 8:30pm at the Arizona Right to Life State Office located at:

For questions or to RSVP, please email or call the office at 602-285-0063.

40 Days for Life/Project Jericho

Project Jericho Logo"Thank you for being here. Because you were here I didn't have an abortion." These are the successes from the combined 40 Days for Life and Project Jericho campaigns AZRTL has been coordinating this past February. 40 Days for Life and Project Jericho are campaigns of prayer and fasting that place sidewalk counselors in front of abortion mills for a period of six weeks in an intensive effort to save lives. Along with our Flagstaff outreach, eight abortion mills in Phoenix have been covered with as many as 50 people praying at a single location at one time. Volunteers of all ages have come out to be prayerful witness as well as to offer support for women in need. In one instance, a woman gave up celebrating her birthday to be at a Chandler abortion mill with a sign that read, " It ' s my BIRTHday. Give your baby the gift of LIFE and their own BIRTHday too ."

40 Days for Life Rally

The volunteer Dana Wright later said, " I've had 45 birthdays, so sharing one of them, in defense of the little souls that never had a birthday, was a big blessing to me." Passersby affirmed the protesters and some even gave donations. At Arizona Right to Life, we have received numerous reports like these of both bystanders and merchants supporting prayer warriors at clinics across the valley.
If you would like to participate in either of these campaigns we encourage you to contact Arizona Right to Life to learn more about each program and how you can help or join. Those of you who wish to participate in either campaign can also use any resources from the Project Jericho packets to assist you in your goals, which can be downloaded from our website.

Important Links

40 Days for Life and Project Jericho end on March 16th!
Contact or 602-285-0063 if you would like to help.

Upcoming Tucson Pro-life Events

Face the Truth Event
Attention Tucson pro-lifers, two important events will be occurring this March. First, On March 9th the Tucson Southwest Chapter of Arizona Right to Life will be holding a meeting. The group will meet on Sunday, March 9th from 2-4 PM at Valencia Library on 202 E. Valencia Rd., just about a mile east of the I-19 exit. Second, Face the Truth will be demonstrating in Tucson on Good Friday, March 21st, from 7-10am. Face The Truth (pictured above in Chicago) involves volunteers holding signs in common areas to expose the truth about abortion to a public that is often shielded from that truth. These signs, which graphically depict the reality of abortion, have changed hearts and saved lives by moving women who have seen them to cancel their abortion appointments. Location details on request by email to or by phone to 520-908-9765.

College Student Activism

Mom and Baby Drive

ASU Students for Life has been working hard to impact the Tempe campus community with the pro-life message this Spring. During the last week of February, they completed their "Mom and Baby" drive which gathered donations of diapers and baby products that were sent to maternity homes like Elizabeth House and crisis pregnancy centers like First Way . In a recent interview for Arizona Right to Life, President Katie Brind'amour said, "It's an important form of outreach because we are showing students that there's so much they can do to help." ASU Students for Life is now focusing on organizing a large pro-life exhibit to be shown on campus during the middle of March as well as a student conference in April.

Thank you for taking the time to read Arizona Right to Life's monthly e-newsletter. If you would like to learn more about our mission or events please email us at or call our office at 602-285-0063.
If you would like to partner with us to devlop new projects and continue effective ones (pro-life videos and mobile exhibits, public outreach, legislation and politician tracking, and new chapters and liaisons) then please send a donation to:

Arizona Right to Life
3700 N 24th St, Suite 100
Phoenix, AZ 85016

Once again, thank you for your time and your commitment to being a "Friend of Life."

Newsletter Editor: Trent Horn

Upcoming Events!
Man Looking at Calendar

The Case Against Assisted Suicide
Arizona Right to Life presents the second part of its Spring lecture series as we outline the case against allowing doctors to give patients deadly medication to help end their lives.
Date: Wednesday, March 5th, 2008
Time: 7:00 - 8:00pm
Location: AZRTL Main Office
3700 N 24th St., Suite 100, Phoenix, 85016
To RSVP email or call our office at 602-285-0063.

Justice For All Training Seminar
Want to move past pointless arguments and have real conversations about abortion and the pro-life position? Justice for All will help you defend life in EVERY situation. Steve Wagner, Author of "Common Ground without Compromise" will join the JFA team to bring the very best pro-life training to ASU. March 16th, Noon - 5:30pm. ASU Room TBA. Everyone welcome - please RSVP to ensure availability. Contact for more information.
Good Friday Prayer
Pro-lifers in both Tucson and Phoenix will be publicly praying on Good Friday in opposition to abortion. For Tucson information contact ,
for Phoenix contact
Terri's Day
On March 31st pro-lifers remember the tragic death of Terri Schiavo and pledge to vigilantly oppose threats to the lives of the elderly, sick, and disabled. Information for particular events in Phoenix TBA.
Women's Expo
Volunteers are needed to help run the pro-life booth at the Arizona Women's Expo. Friendly and courteous volunteers are needed to explain the mission of Arizona Right to Life and the pro-life movement to the thousands of women that visit this annual AZRTL project. Free training is available to those who want to help. The event will take place during the weekend of April 19th - 20th at University of Phoenix stadium in Glendale. For more information contact Trent Horn at .

If you would like your pro-life events posted in our monthly newsletter, email us at

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