Friday, November 2, 2007

AZ GOP Tusk Times: No truth to rumor about Chairman Pullen










AZGOP - " the news"



Dear Fellow Republicans,

Please consider the recent headlines taken from print and online news sources:

House [of Representatives] in a Mess…

Poll finds Democrats turning on [Democrat Speaker] Pelosi

Ralph Nader sues Democratic Party

Hillary attacks Obama for attacking

Richardson tags rivals [Hillary and Obama] for negativity

Dems plan shorter workweek in Congress

Opinion polling just released from California now shows Democrat US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has higher negatives than positives in her own state. Fully 40-percent of her own voters disapprove of the job she’s doing to just 35-percent who approve. This is in her own backyard. Is it any wonder that just 11-percent of voters across the nation recently said they approved of this Democrat Congress? In California, 22-percent of California voters still approve of the Democrat Congress (to 64-percent who disapprove).

Pelosi and Company (including Harry Mitchell and Gabrielle Giffords from Arizona) campaigned in 2006 on promises of fiscal conservatism (but they have pursued a budget that would bankrupt the nation), reducing gas prices (but oil just passed $93 a barrel and shows no signs of slowing), preserving President Bush’s tax relief (but the Pelosi-Rangel tax hike they just unveiled would repeal it all and still raise taxes another $1.3 trillion on top of that). And let’s not forget Speaker Pelosi’s overseas (and borderline criminal) trip to negotiate with state sponsors of terrorism in Syria, or Democrat US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s repeated surrender votes to the terrorists.

This isn’t governing; this is the epitome of incompetence. The Democrats are mired in investigation after investigation – which apparently is easier work than, say, passing budgets or doing the work of the people. Democrats let the work of Congress grind to a halt for more than a week to debate whether or not Rush Limbaugh insulted US soldiers (he didn’t). Democrats tried to hide their billion-dollar secret earmark slush funds (we made them go public).

Why are Democrats now turning against their own leadership? Because they have made the US Congress a laughing stock. They have turned the greatest legislative bodies in the world into boring C-SPAN versions of the Jerry Springer Show where Democrat Congressmen must go down to the floor and apologize for accusing President Bush of being amused by the violent death of U.S. soldiers killed protecting us from terrorists.

And now, rather than debate serious issues, their own presidential candidates are mired in negative attacks against each other about… well, about their negative attacks against each other. It’s gotten to the point where sooner or later, I have to believe the Democrat candidates themselves are going to start feeling foolish for having nothing to say. Their mouths are moving, but nothing but hate and broken promises ever comes out.

In this special issue of The Tusk Times is Liberal Incompetence, U.S. Senator Jon Kyl looks at the issue of children’s health care. Under the Democrat’s plan, this important program has lost its way. Here in Arizona, 53-percent of those enrolled in S-CHIP (the State Children’s Health Insurance Program) are adults, taking money away from children who were supposed to get the coverage. In Minnesota, 66-percent of the people in this children’s program are adults. Democrats use government programs to buy votes – not to help those who need our help the most.

We’ve also included some of our usual features (the events update), to keep readers abreast of party happenings. Next week, we’ll look at Republican accomplishments and why voters are counting on the Grand Old Party to bring sanity back to government.

As always, it’s an honor to serve you as chairman. Thank you for reading!


P.S. Many thanks to The Tusk Times readers who sent in the story titled “Kucinich: I did see a UFO” following Tuesday’s Democratic presidential debate. After consideration, we decided the congressman’s encounters with Little Green Men at Shirley MacLaine’s home didn’t count as “incompetence.” They were just further evidence of what it takes to stand on stage with Hillary Rodham Clinton.



By U.S. Senator Jon Kyl

Under a Republican-led Congress in 1997, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) was created to help states provide health coverage to low-income children. Ten years after its creation, the program needs to be legally reauthorized, and congressional Republicans wrote a bill to do exactly that.

Democrats, unfortunately, saw an opportunity to play politics and expand the program to cover adults and children from higher income families – many who already have access to, or are currently covered by, private health insurance.

CLICK HERE to read more…


The Pelosi-Rangel Tax Hike would increase taxes $1.3 billion by itself. When you add in the Republican tax relief measures it repeals, the total bill the Tax Man will deliver on the American people comes to a whopping $3.5 trillion dollars!

If that weren’t enough, the Democrat Majority in Congress unveiled this week a separate tax bill in addition to Pelosi-Rangel that threatens 170,000 family-wage jobs and places yet another American industry in harm’s way: the U.S. mining industry (something we know a bit about here in Arizona).

Minerals, such as are mined all across American, are used to manufacture everything from stainless steel, glass, cell phones, computers, pipes, and jewelry to the development of the military equipment that keeps America safe. But the Congressional Democrats, with H.R. 2262, will tax hardrock mining as we know it. In doing so, they will place the 170,000 high-wage American mining and manufacturing jobs it sustains in dire straits.

Why are Democrats in Congress trying to kill what’s left of America’s manufacturing sector? Why are Democrats in Congress trying to make our nation entirely dependent on foreign countries for the raw materials necessary for our economic and national security? Why are Democrats willing to sacrifice both safety and jobs for short-term tax revenue until the industry they are invading collapses?

… Perhaps because the “Looney Left” knows that the Democrat Party has more votes from people on welfare than it does from people who have jobs and a chance at the American Dream? Resurrect the Welfare State and you resurrect the Democrat Party.

HUMOR: DESERT WHISPERS… by the AZGOP Communications Staff & Interns

Politics can be an ugly business sometimes. The liberal media, when they don’t have actual news to report, often gets accused of manufacturing news. Often, Republicans appear to be the target of such attacks.

Earlier this week, a prominent “insider” publication called to ask about rumors that a certain state Republican Party chairman was stepping down. The reporter in question, Phil Riske, had no sources who would go on the record. Because it is the policy of the Arizona Republican Party not to respond to media inquiries about the party in which “reporters” are using unnamed sources, executive director Sean McCaffrey explained this (not for the first time for this publication) and ended the call.

For the record, these rumors are false, but they elicited some print worthy quotes around the office:

“The rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated,” said Chairman Pullen.

“The rumors of his demise are greatly exaggerated,” said an equally witty Brett Mecum, political director.

“Are you kidding me? If that gossip columnist ever calls back, tell him I’ve gone to start an alpaca farm and can’t be bothered,” said Sean McCaffrey, executive director.

We did, however, come up with a number of rumors we wish we’d get calls to comment on. Here is a short selection. NOTE TO READERS: These are just fantasy. They are not actual rumors. We don’t expect them ever to come true. However, if they do, we would gladly take calls from even silly tabloids using unnamed sources to comment on the occasion.

RUMOR WE’D LIKE TO HEAR #1: Governor Napolitano is preparing to apologize for her ridiculous budget which, like the budget proposed by the Democrats in Congress, would lead to tax increases and cost jobs. “I just realized that by reducing taxes and creating new jobs, we can actually increase state revenues without hurting anyone,” said the governor. “What was I thinking before?”

RUMOR WE’D LIKE TO HEAR #2: Democrat Party to stop playing politics with people’s lives; commitment made to campaign on issues, not lies. “Frankly, I went home and told the truth to my wife one night and it felt good,” said DNC Chair Howard Dean. “I thought, hey, if I can do it once, I can do it all the time. Now, we’ll just let voters decide based on ideas, not by buying or stealing votes.”

RUMOR WE’D LIKE TO HEAR #3: Democrat US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Democrat US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid admitted today what most Americans already know: U.S.America to surrender. “We were just trying to win the next election,” Pelosi said. “I’m sorry,” said Reid. soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and guardsmen can indeed defeat the terrorists, and there is no need for

RUMOR WE’D LIKE TO HEAR #4: Newspaper Association of America declares liberal bias in print media over. “What the @#$%,” said Paul Giblin of the East Valley Tribune. “If anyone calls, tell ‘em I’ve gone to start an alpaca farm and can’t be bothered.”


Just eight years ago, in an interview with Wolf Blitzer, then presidential candidate Al Gore said, “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.” Today, however, Democrats are caught between a rock and a hard place: protect Al Gore’s “creation,” or do what comes naturally to Democrats and tax the bejeezus out of it.

Bowing to Republican pressure this week, the Democrat Congress finally extended the ban on “Internet-access taxes and other Web-related levies” through 2014. According to William Watts of MarketWatch, the legislation “bans taxes on Internet access; double taxation (by two or more states or other entities) of a product or service bought over the Internet; and discriminatory taxes that treat online purchases differently than other types of sales.”

Republican leaders have long sought to bring permanent tax protection to the Internet, but Democrats refused to bring a permanent tax ban to even a vote. "The [Democrat] majority leadership's refusal to even bring this [permanent] ban up for a vote is telling," said House Republican Leader John Boehner, who travels in early December to Arizona to support Republican efforts to win back two key congressional seats from the Democrats and protect the open 1st District seat.

“Democrats balked at a seven year protection against Internet taxes,” said Republican State Chairman Randy Pullen. “They will never willingly give up their taxing authority permanently, not as long as they have the majority in Congress. They inherently believe their ability to tax, and to threaten industries with higher taxes, is critical to their power structure. Republicans would rather see jobs created and America better compete in an increasingly competitive world.”

The seven-year moratorium was still considered an important victory for the GOP leadership, which fought against the original 4-year Democrat bill.

“Our business community needs stability and the expectation that they will not be taxed or regulated into oblivion by a runaway Democrat Congress at some later date,” Pullen said.


Webster’s New World Dictionary defines “incompetent” as “without adequate ability, knowledge, fitness, etc.” We believe our next president should be able to make up his or her mind (and without the help of pollsters, we might add).

Yesterday (October 30th), New York’s junior US senator, Hillary Rodham Clinton, said she would vote against Attorney General nominee Michael Mukasey because she is “deeply troubled by Judge Mukasey's continued unwillingness to clearly state his views on torture and unchecked Executive power.” (Note #1 to readers: Mr. Mukasey, who apparently has never tortured anyone, has been questioned ad nauseum by Senate Democrats as to what interrogation methods may be applied to terrorists and which may not, to protect terrorists from possible torture. Note #2 to readers: we do not believe any terror suspect should be subject to Senate Democrat-run confirmation hearings as this would clearly constitute cruel and unusual punishment.)

But previously, in October 2006, Mrs. Rodham Clinton herself said there should be exceptions to anti-torture laws: "Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) said she supports legalizing the torture of a captured terror suspect who knows about 'an imminent threat to millions of Americans' - making an exception to her opposition to torture..." (Ben Smith, New York Daily News, 10/16/06)

Yet just one month prior, Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton co-sponsored and voted for legislation that prohibited harsh interrogation tactics. (S. 3930, CQ Vote #258: 9/28/06, Mrs. Rodham Clinton Voted Yea)

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has been widely criticized for her flip-flops on Iraq, terrorism, on taxes and spending, on free money for children (and every other plan she proposes and then abandons), and of course, for her flip-flop on whether or not we should condone torture:

"Clinton hit a new low last week, telling the New York Daily News that the president should have 'some lawful authority' to use torture or other 'severe' interrogation methods in a so-called ticking-bomb scenario. These comments appear to directly contradict her previous statements on the Military Commissions Act. ... In late September, Clinton objected that the bill 'undermines the Geneva Conventions by allowing the president to issue executive orders to redefine what are permissible interrogation techniques.'" (Rosa Brooks, Los Angeles Times, 10/20/06)

The problem with a president who makes decisions based on polling information rather than what he or she actually believes is two-fold:

  1. Public opinion changes, but we need a president with stability and consistency and the resolve to see that tough jobs are finished to the end… it’s called courage;
  2. Credibility is important – and just as was the case with Al Gore and John Kerry before her, few actually believe what comes out of Hillary Clinton’s mouth any more, and we can’t have a president that nobody trusts.

America’s next president must be many things, but first and foremost, we need someone who, at his or her most basic levels, is simply competent. Hillary Clinton has proven time and time again that she is not.


This is your place to find out what’s going on in the GOP in your area! To let us know about an upcoming event, please email the details to Please also consult our online calendar of events on the AZGOP webpage by CLICKING HERE!

CONGRATULATIONS! We hear that Tusk Times reader Brenda Barton has been elected to the Board of Directors of the Arizona Federation of Republican Woman representing Graham, Cochise, and Santa Cruz counties. The AFRW is one of the most important and successful of Republican organizations in our state. Through the commitment of the AFRW’s members and leadership, the ranks of Republican women candidates, PC’s and voters in Arizona are growing each and every year! (Note: the AFRW is the 3rd largest Republican Women’s organization in the nation!)

NOV . 3 - SUN CITY WEST REPUBLICANS. Sat., 8 a.m. social hour. 8:30 a.m. mtg. Dr. Byron Schlomack from the Goldwater Institute will speak about Health Care Choices and Political Implications in the Quail Room of the Sun City West Foundation Building, 14465 R.H. Johnson Blvd. Admission is $2. First time attendees are admitted free. Dues are $10 per person or $15 per family. Contact Jan Martinson, president at 623-546-3753. RVSP by Nov. 1 to

NOV 13 - ARIZONA STATE LEGISLATIVE WORKSHOP, Tues., 7:30 am until noon., at the Arizona State Capitol House of Representatives, 1700 W. Washington., 2nd floor and 3rd floor gallery. Host Rep. Russell Pearce. Contact Eric Johnson at 480-892-5154. This event is now full.

NOV. 17 –CONCEALED WEAPENS PERMIT TRAINING. Sign up for a Carry Concealed Weapons (CCW) Permit required class. 7 am (for fingerprints) to 5 pm., at Ben Avery Shooting Facility, just west of I-17 on the Carefree Hwy. Send a check for $69 (marked MCRC in memo) to Security Enforcement Services, Inc., 16551 N. Dysart Rd. #107, Surprise, AZ 85374. Phone 623-583-1570. Bring a handgun, holster, ammo, hearing & eye protection and drinking water. Contact Mark Zemel at 623-329-3130 or

NOV. 24 – WICKENBURG REPUBLICAN CLUB. 8 am coffee; 8:30 am mtg. LifeLine Ambulance Training Office, 1155 N. Tegner, Wickenburg. Tom Thurman, Yavapai County Supervisor, will discuss the need for drug testing before issuing welfare checks. Contact Frosty Taylor, president, 928-684-1221

NOV. 24 - COYOTES HOCKEY EVENT, Sat. , 5 pm playing the Toronto Maple Leafs. Mark Zemel host. $40 ticket for $23 with $3 going to MCRC. We will have an info table on the Concourse. If we sell 75 tickets, one lucky person could get to ride the Zamboni machine. 100 tickets and we can have a group photo on the ice after the game. Contact Mark Zemel 623-329-3130 or Please your payment to Mark for the tickets you have ordered.

DEC. 1 - SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO ROAST, Sat., 2 pm at the Maricopa County Events Center (old Sun Dome) in Sun City West. Sponsored by LD4, Rep. Judy Burges host. 623-214-3715, or Cost $15 per person. Tickets can also be purchased at the MCEC ticket windows between 10 a.m. 4 p.m.

JAN 19 - MCRC JANUARY MANDATORY MEETING, Sat., 8 am. Bethany Community Church, near the corner of Loop 101 and Guadalupe. Five members-at-large are up for election, along with by-laws changes. Diane Ortiz-Parsons & Dan Nichols hosts. Contact Diane at or Dan at




by Jill Cook

This past weekend, I spent some time registering voters at the Arizona State Fair, and I got a chance to talk to people from all walks of life from around Arizona. After getting a closer look at the political makeup of our great state, it became apparent to me that some women plan on voting for Hillary Clinton just because she's a woman, without any knowledge of who she really is.

Despite all the claims Senator Clinton has made that she “supports” women and understands us better than a man can, her voting record shows just the opposite. Clinton voted against S.3 in 2001, the ban on partial-birth abortion, which showed her lack of concern for the psychological and physical health of women around the country. In 2006, Clinton voted against a constitutional amendment defining marriage between a man and a woman, further working to weaken families, the building blocks of society.

Finally, Clinton voted against the confirmation of Justice Samuel Alito, a skilled Third Circuit judge, to the Supreme Court. That vote alone proved she is more concerned with imposing her liberal views on America than providing the people of our country with what they need.

As a woman, I believe all voters need to look at more than just a candidate’s gender before casting their vote. Issues matter. Beliefs matter. Courage and convictions matter. It is important that every Arizonan and every American realize that it is not the promises made on the campaign trail that tell us about a candidate – rather, it is where they have been and what they have already done which tells us who they are and whether they would be a good president.

Our ancestors fought for our liberty so that we could have the right to vote. Later, they kept our nation from splitting in two to preserve a great country founded upon the blessings of liberty. It is our duty not just to exercise that cherished right to vote at every opportunity, but also to take seriously the vote we cast. It is our responsibility to elect the candidate who will best serve our nation, the candidate who can best do the job.

After eight years of tax increases, attempts at nationalized health care, definitions of “is”, and a brief career in the U.S. Senate marked by flip-flops and poll-tested spin, it seems clear that it should be our responsibility to see that the Clintons don’t return to the White House.









Obama, Edwards Attack; Clinton Bombs Debate


…That Hillary Rodham Clinton used to love telling the story of how her mother named her after Sir Edmund Hillary, the famed mountaineer who was first to reach the top of Mt. Everest? Senator Clinton no longer tells the story, however, since she learned Edmund reached the top of Everest in 1953 and Mrs. Rodham Clinton was born in 1947 (fully six years before the unknown beekeeper decided to climb Everest). Could it possibly be that Mrs. Clinton stretched the truth? Stay tuned for more interesting “Did you know” tales from this Democrat’s past!

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Don't forget to check out "Pullen for the Party," for your daily dose of Republican politics.

Paid for by the Arizona Republican Party

Not authorized by any candidate or committee.


1 comment:

ryanshaunkelly said...

HDNet Dec 1 DNC debate (Sat 7:30pm ET)
- all eight -

gravel kucinich paul nader