Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sheriff Arpaio says supervisors are holding his money `hostage'

Maricopa County supervisors are holding more than a million dollars in sheriff's funds hostage -- mostly because some supervisors are under criminal investigation by deputies -- Sheriff Joe Arpaio says.

Arpaio, joined by County Attorney Andrew Thomas and State Sen. Russell Pearce, R-Mesa., called Tuesday for the supervisors to release $1.6 million of state-funded money to help in the sheriff's fight against illegal immigration.

Pearce said the Legislature intended that the sheriff's office get the money, which was taken away by then-Gov. Janet Napolitano last year amid controversy over the sheriff's immigration policies.


Arpaio said he received a letter Monday from the president of the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association, Mark Spencer, supporting the idea that the supervisors are withholding the money because some board members are under investigation.

Read the rest of the article from KTAR

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