Thursday, April 23, 2009

Goldwater Institute: John Stossel in Phoenix May 16

ABC News 20/20 co-anchor John Stossel is coming to Phoenix and will be the featured speaker at the Goldwater Institute’s next Speaker Series luncheon. Formal invitations are on the way, but I hope you will save the date for Saturday, May 16. We are looking forward to what is sure to be an entertaining and informative discussion on the importance of capitalism and the consequences of congressional spending, and I hope you will be a part of it. As tables of ten start at $500, we also hope this will be a great opportunity to introduce your family and associates to the Institute’s work. As you may know, John Stossel also hosts a program called “Stossel in the Classroom,” and this will be a great event for students and adults alike. For questions and reservations, please contact Jenn Bryson at, or call (602) 462-5000 ext. 229.

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