Thursday, September 18, 2008

Self-Described Best Child Pornography Defense Attorney in Valley Endorses Tim Nelson

Thomas Asks Nelson to Repudiate Endorsement

County Attorney candidate Tim Nelson has received a record amount of contributions from lawyers representing Valley criminals.

Many of the criminal defense attorneys who have raised $26,000+ for the Nelson campaign have active cases before the Maricopa County Attorney's Office.

One of Nelson's maxed-out contributors and endorsers is Jason Lamm.

According to Lamm's own web site he has "..become recognized as the leading criminal defense attorney in the defense [of] child pornography charges and has handled dozens of cases not only in Phoenix and throughout Arizona, but all around the country.."

His website goes on to say, "Arizona law requires a prison sentence of 10-24 years per image in your possession or on the hard drive of your computer...More times than not, this translates to a life sentence upon conviction, which we as child pornography lawyers can help you avoid (emphasis added).

Lamm doesn't call himself the less pejorative title of a child pornography defense attorney, but rather, and shockingly, calls himself a "child pornography lawyer."

In a newspaper article just last week, Lamm offered public support for Nelson while chastising his opponent, Andrew Thomas.

"Given this attorney's roster of clients and practice area in the law, his support of Mr. Nelson certainly doesn't inspire confidence in his public safety plans. It would be appropriate for my opponent to repudiate his endorsement," Thomas said. Paid for by Andrew Thomas for County Attorney

Jim Sharpe
Rose & Allyn Public Relations

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