Thursday, September 25, 2008

CAP: Don't Miss David Barton this Saturday

Standing for Truth
Featuring David Barton
What the mainstream media won't tell you about America's history and your ability to influence its future.
Saturday, September 27
8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Bethany Bible Church
6060 N 7th Avenue, Phoenix
Learn to influence the policies under which we live. Help shape our state's and nation's future!
Tickets as low as $15!
Walk-Up Registration Begins at 8:00 a.m.
Personal Faith, Public Policy - Issues facing Christians
Accident or Intention? - Christianity's role in America's founding
Why and How - Standing for one man-one woman marriage
Christianity's Role in the public square
Making a difference in Arizona
David Barton - WallBuilders President
Tony Perkins - Family Research Council President
Jordan Lorence - Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) Senior Counsel
Alan Sears - Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) President
Cathi Herrod -The Center for Arizona Policy (CAP) President

Printable flier

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