Monday, May 2, 2016

Rick Renzi Puts Together Top Legal Team to Appeal Hidden Evidence of FBI Agent's Corruption

Imprisoned former Republican Congressman Rick Renzi of Arizona is frustrated by the massive prosecutorial corruption that was revealed after the trial against him, and is taking steps to get his felony convictions reversed. He has put together a star legal team to represent him in an appeal to the Ninth Circuit. In May, his team will be filing their opening briefs appealing the trial court judge’s ruling last December refusing to grant him a retrial despite the misconduct.

The team now includes Sidney Powell, a former prosecutor with the Department of Justice who famously exposes wrongdoing within it. She wrote the book Licensed to Lie, which revealed crimes by DOJ attorneys that took place during the prosecution of Arthur Andersen, Enron’s accounting firm. She represented one of the defendants from the accounting firm, who she believed was innocent, but he was still sentenced to prison and served a year until the conviction was reversed by the US Supreme Court. Her book also covers the wrongful prosecution of the late Republican US Senator Ted Stevens from Alaska, who, like Renzi, was also a victim of the prosecution withholding evidence and crooked FBI agents. Fortunately, Stevens was exonerated before being sent to prison and the prosecution was disciplined.

Powell will join Renzi’s lead attorney, Kelly Kramer, who is the co-head of Mayer Brown LLP’s white collar criminal defense practice. Kramer has extensive courtroom experience and is a tenacious litigator who has defended Renzi for almost 10 years. He is known as one of the top litigators in Washington, DC.

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