Monday, July 18, 2011

Governor Brewer: Defend Arizona - Support an American Patriot, Sen. Russell Pearce

From the desk of Governor Jan Brewer

Dear Friend,

Stand with me today. Click here to Protect an American Patriot. In my 28 years of public service, I have always fought for conservative principles by standing up to Democrats, media bias, Nancy Pelosi, Al Sharpton, and everyone else in Washington who think they know what is best for Arizona. I'm writing today because I need your help!

The very same organizations and individuals who organized boycotts of Arizona, who opposed me in my last election, and who have consistently been advocates for unsustainable government spending are at it again. This time they mean to recall from office my friend and colleague State Senate President Russell Pearce.

I have known Russell for over two decades; a dedicated law enforcement officer, shot in the line of duty, a fiscal conservative who has consistently been a voice and a vote for decreased government spending, an uncompromising advocate for State's Rights and now a national leader in our fight to enforce our nation's immigration laws and to secure our border.

His unwavering dedication to enforcing the rule of law will help save our country from an Obama administration dedicated to undermining our nation's immigration laws. Until the rule of law is established on both sides of the Arizona-Mexico border there will be no peace, no future economic opportunity and no hope or resolving these issues undermining Arizona's continued economic prosperity.

Will you stand with me today and help stop their efforts?

For decades, the federal government has failed to do its job. It has failed to protect us from drugs, gangs and crime coming across the border. Senator Pearce has an unparalleled track record of passing legislation to help Arizona do the job that the Federal Government refuses to do. Here is just a small sample of legislation he has sponsored, that I have signed which has provoked this very recall:

2010, 49th Legislature, Second Regular Session
  • SB 1070 & HB 2162 made changes to laws relating to the enforcement of federal and state immigration laws. These bills allowed local law enforcement to enforce federal laws on illegal immigration. In addition, HB 2162 established the Joint Border Security Advisory Committee to report on the status of the Arizona-Mexico Border, and make recommendations regarding the growing border violence problem in Arizona.

  • SB 1027 required the Department of Public Safety to seek grants to implement a one-year pilot program targeting drug trafficking, illegal alien trafficking, and human smuggling.
Please click here today to make a donation.

2011, 50th Legislature, First Regular Session
  • HB 2102 required an individual to present a government issued document that contains the individual's photograph in order to obtain a license to operate a business, perform a professional service that requires a license, or to obtain fingerprint clearance.

  • SB 1465 prohibited the acceptance of consular identification cards as a valid form of identification. This was intended to curtail use of this form of identification in order to derive public benefits in this country. (signed by Governor)

  • HB 2405/SB1368 lengthened the sentencing for these felony offenses, without probation, pardon or release until the full term is served.

  • SB 1046 required Immigration and Customs and Enforcement (ICE) to take custody of a minor for immigration proceedings and also directed the state's juvenile corrections system to notify ICE if juvenile offenders who have been previously discharged to return to the United States without legal authorization.
Please click here today to make your most generous donation as soon as possible.

Once again, it is time to take a stand against those who boycott and hurt our state! We need leaders who believe in securing our border and protecting our citizens. Russell Pearce is that man, and we need keep him on our team.

We need to defend Russell Pearce, but we can only do it with your help! Please click here to help me support an American patriot by sharing your generous donation.

Thank you in advance for your support.


Governor Jan Brewer

PS. Please donate to Defend Russell Pearce today! You can also visit for more information or to donate online.

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