Monday, August 10, 2009

PAChyderm Coalition meeting Wed. Aug. 19

PAChyderm Coalition MO


Wednesday August 19, 2009

6:00 pm

With Guest Speaker

Representative Sam Crump – LD6

talking about his exploratory committee


the office of Attorney General

El Paso Bar-B-Que

4303 West Peoria Ave

(Southwest Corner of 43rd Ave & Peoria)

Order Dinner off the Menu

Seating is VERY limited

E-Mail Diane Douglas at for your reservation. First come, first served.
You will not receive a reply unless the event is full.

Please do not respond to this email using the "reply" feature of your email service. This forum is for official announcements from the PAChyderm Executive Board and meeting announcements only.

For additional meeting information or to RSVP - Please If you have already sent an RSVP there is no need to do so again. Thank you!


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